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writing mistakes

I wouldn’t have guessed that

wrong rebus

Somehow, the solution (which was in the corner, I rotated and copied it into the picture) doesn’t match the rebus.

Translation: “Rebus for children – Solution: dragon, duck, wolf, door, snake, couch = Charlie’s Angels”

(Bäckerblume #43/2007)

PS. Halloween is over, if you still see remains in the header, just cliick Reload in your browser.

Is Microsoft living in the past?

A letter from Microsoft arrived today, kindly reminding me that my “Open License”
of Visual Studio/MSDN Professional (or whatever its current name is) will expire soon. On page 2, it says (translation and underline by me):

Upgrade assurance of the licenses: With Open Value, thanks to Software Assurance, you secure for you already today future product versions like those coming in 2006: Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft “Office 12”.
Extended Software Assurance Services: starting March 2006, you have also available…”

Maybe someone at Microsoft should occasionally read through these standard texts…

Oh, and their 01805 phone number costs no longer 12, but 14 cents – when will the first official warning letter arrive? :tongue:

They shoot with demonstrators!

As if it wasn’t bad enough what the military regime in Myanmar/Burma (now what’s the name?) is doing – and not just during the current demonstrations –, now the ZDFtext reports about shooting with demonstrators:

ZDFtext: Rangun: Sie sollen auch wieder Demonstranten geschlagen und geschossen haben. Es soll sich um Warnschüsse handeln.

Translation: “They reportedly have beaten and shot with demonstrators again. They say it was warning shots.”

They must have quite big cannons… and how does this work, a warning shot of demonstrators – are they shot only slowly or a low height so they don’t die when falling back down? :mrgreen:

Alright, it may be just a typo – one little letter in the German text so it would read “…have beaten and shot at…” :razz: Bad enough.

How silent is the Chinese Mafia

Seen earlier on frischgebloggt.de (which lists new posts from many German blogs), about a gunfight among Chinese in Neuss (German):

clipping: Tiraden in Deutschland

Headline translation: “Tirades in Germany?” (to the ENJOY blog (German) – corrected in the mean time)

Of course there are tirades in Germany! Way too many, especially from politicians! :mrgreen: I doubt, however, that the Triads are that verbose. Regardless of how much – or how little – the police knows about them (and, yes, doubting their presence in this country is quite naive).

(Please don’t be mad, Rai – I don’t mean to be evil or insulting at all when I show small writing mistakes or foreign word errors; even large newspapers find themselves e.g. on Zwiebelfisch (German).)