With certificate and stuff…

FF3 certificate Sorry for joining everybody else in writing a post about Firefox 3 whose download world record attempt timeframe lasts until, well, either 18:16 UTC, or 17:00 UTC as the German version of that page says (as of this writing)…

I wanted to use this opportunity to thank the creators for making such a super great participation certificate (see my image on the right) which is perfectly suited to be put in every store window and on every wall (every wall in every room!) in at least A2 size so you can feel really, really proud and flaunt it to everybody!

1 Trackback

  1. J

    naja bin mal gespannt, ob dieser weltrekordversuch funktioniert hat! bin gespannt, ob ich diese in einem blog finde.

  2. c

    Wir werden sehen… Fragt sich, wo eigentlich der bisherige Rekord lag.

    Edit: Laut FAQ:

    Dies ist der erste Rekordversuch dieser Art, weshalb noch keine Anzahl fest steht.

  3. agm

    he is a good worker in all satuff

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