Welcome to the latest edition of “replying” to search queries… don’t wait because i’m dreaming, don’t tell me do you believe…
For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.
Search ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Now you know you’re important, because that’s just as many fs as someone was searching last summer!
texts punishes I write lines
Come on, texts, have mercy with the poort writer and don’t punish him any more.
select a number from 1 to 14, we will know about our our last birth according to german numerology
Erm, I’m to pick a number so you know more about your last (of how many??) births? You’re really creative in your lunacy, gotta give you that…
old baby born pro7 13.3
That was just a stupid commercial for the new series Fringe on Pro7. But what to expect of Pro7 anyway…?
jupiter floodings april 2009
Jupiter is a gas planet, you can’t talk about floodings there.
good phases of the moon for voodoo rituals
When it’s full moon and new moon at the same time.
spititual meaning of 9 September 2009
9/9/9? That’s obvious: the devil stands on his head! Though I’m not sure if it’s more meaningful in a “spititual” or spiritual way.
mysthical meaning of universe
The univherse thells you: There’s a letther too much.
mysticism what was going on in the sky today on march 18 2009?
Everything going on in the sky has exactly that mystical meaning that you impute to it. Maybe you saw the ISS and the space shuttle Discovery? On Tuesday 17 at 20:08, they were easily seen a little bit apart, moving across the sky. I don’t know how the astronauts think about mysticism, but they probably don’t have much time for it anyway.
the mostly on the world of the lottonumbers what have come
the most and the bst lotto numbers of the world
Well, e.g. the 49 is probably not one of the best numbers in the Austrian “6/45” lotto.
Why am I supposed to say that? In the end some might come here, and what would I do with them?
16:9 porn photos
Since when the picture format is important here? But if it is to you – for a digital picture frame, maybe – just take some of the hundreds of thousands of the 4:3 images of your porn collection and cut them accordingly.
give me sign, give me a feeling, i’m empty – time to say goodbye (but only for today).
Photo: Coka – Fotolia.com
Flocke von Kroetengruen1 2009-03-22 at 11:40 15 Comments
Komisch! Fragt hier niemand nach Fröschen

cimddwc 2009-03-22 at 15:04 6367 Comments
Ich fürchte, das liegt auch daran, dass ich Frösche hier viel zu selten erwähne. Ich gelobe Besserung…
Anonymous2 2012-07-24 at 15:29 330 Comments