A little internal note: A few hours ago, I activated WP Super Cache, a plugin that caches the generated pages for some time – for the general audience even as pure HTML files so not even the PHP engine needs to start – thus reducing server load. Basically, you should notice no difference except that those pages that were accessed in the recent past are faster. Those who have written a comment (and got a cookie from that) won’t be served the “super cache” HTML.
The display of the recent comments in the sidebar may be not always up to date for non-commenters on cached pages, but I guess that’s not that much of a problem.
Moreover, DB Cache Reloaded has been running for the past few days, caching single database queries – which has the advantage that accessing other pages that have not been accessed recently also profit from this cache. However I noticed that the first access to admin pages and the first writing of a comment take a relatively long time – probably because DBCR then scans and flushes the numerous old cache files; seems this garbage collection isn’t that great yet…
Well, if you notice something wrong, please tell me.
Nikki und Michi1 2009-12-22 at 10:56 1 Comment
Läuft klasse, das Plugin. Wir haben auch WP Supercache installieren müssen. Denn unser WP-Theme ist doch ausufernd gross. Mit dem Cache läuft die Seite zwar immer noch nicht im Top-Bereich, aber dennoch zumindest zufriedenstellend. Aber bei rund 200 Datenbankabfragen (Aufruf Startseite) ist das eigentlich auch kein Wunder….
cimddwc 2009-12-22 at 19:39 6322 Comments
Bin gespannt, ob bei mir mal ein Besucheransturm kommt, wo ich’s wirklich brauche – der letzte dank Wer wird Millionär war ja erst der Anlass für die Plugins…