
Summertime at Pabuca’s…

Summer – time for outdoor swimming. You got such pools in many towns, but which has such a picturesque clock tower above the main entrance?


Summer – time for the (nearly) annual night flea market, even if that’s mostly taking place during broad daylight (but Munich’s Oktoberfest is mostly in September, too, celebrating just into October):

Nachtflohmarkt IMG_5254

Speaking of the Oktoberfest: Summer – time for building the beer hall. Our Volksfest, by the way, takes place in early/mid September:



  1. l

    Bei euch gibt es einen Nacht-Flohmarkt? Das kenne ich nur aus Hongkong :-) Pfaffenhofen hat doch Weltstadt-Flair ;-).

    • c

      Na, als “lebenswerteste Kleinstadt der Welt” (vor ein paar Jahren) muss sie ja was bieten. :)

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