Since its last major release, the mail program Thunderbird comes bundled with the calendar and task add-on Lightning. Which I ignored at first, then recently disabled. Then I noticed that Thunderbird didn’t check for new mails from my accounts (all POP3) every X minutes, even though nothing was changed in those options. A manual check for new mails worked fine.
At first, I didn’t connect this to disabling Lightning, but apparently that was the cause since after reactivating it, the periodic mail download works again.
I couldn’t find a hint about this connection on the net, so maybe this post helps someone now who encounters the same problem…
Update: After Windows hibernation over night, it again won’t work. Grmbl. What could that be…? At least after a Thunderbird restart, it works anyway (which didn’t help with Lightning disabled)…
Update 5.10.: Version 38.3.0 is said to fix the hibernation issue. Let’s hope that’s true.
Teimue1 2015-09-01 at 10:30 1 Comment
Mir geht es genauso. Nach Rückkehr aus dem Ruhezustand werden nicht mehr automatisch neue Mails abgerufen. Das müsste seit dem letzten Update so sein.
J. Moser 2015-09-01 at 22:19 1 Comment
Das kann ich bestätigen. Bei mir dasselbe Problem. Es scheint allerdings zumindest bei mir nur nach einem längeren Standby des Systems aufzutreten.
Martin2 2015-09-08 at 18:21 21 Comments
Bestätigt – das gleiche Phänomen hier mit TB 38.2.0