Happy Birthday Mail from German Railways

[no, not just today, was some time ago]

Dear Deutsche Bahn, thanks for the “happy birthday” mail – I would have enjoyed it much more, however, if it didn’t start with an astrology sentence and the linked Flash animation didn’t essentially contain a year horoscope – I can do without such a lying, unscientific rubbish very well…

Edit 6 May/13 May 07:
I had mailed that at the same day to bahn.bonus, too – except for a standard text block reply (with name, though) at late evening (Sunday 22:48!), no specific answer has arrived yet. And if I am reading this sentence correctly [my translation]:

We will enjoy to make your constructive remarks and suggestions available to the responsible depatment of our enterprise. We are happy if you keep supporting us and thank you for your commitment.

then my mail is already in /dev/null, the virtual trash can…