- A flowchart showing how the Mythbusters shows are made
(via @grantimahara)
- Sebastian’s skull oil paintings
- An interesting new cut of the trailer for Emmerich’s 2012 movie (via Wortvogel):
Hear Ye the Prophecies for 2012
Hear ye these words spoken by Me, thy Propfet, to thou seeking knowledge, on this mystic Friday full of answers (20+12+2)×42 days before the big date which is 21 Decembre 2012 on 11:11 UTC, time of the Winter Solstice at the end of an epoch of yon notorious calendar which hath been named Maya Calendar:
- Indeed foolish is he who believeth that nothing will happen. ‘Tis many a thing that is going to occur: People will die, people will be born, there will be many an accident, the Earth will shake, and much much more.1
- Many people will start on their Christmas vacation on yon Friday before ye Christians’ special day.
- Certainly mysticism dreamers and cranks, the number of which will not be low, either will expect the End of the Worlde or a Rise of Consciousness, the Ascension to New Spiritual Dimensions – some alone, some in community with their likes at various festive gatherings.
- For consciousness, know ye, is quite a subjective matter, certainly many will at first rejoice and believe that something changed for them indeed – though when they will notice in the days to come that this was not all that great after all or that there was nothing there from the very beginning: it is then that they will rather doubt themselves, doubt their spiritual responsiveness and doubt the maturity of their souls, instead of considering how far from Reality they were lost in their abstruse reveries.
- This, too, will be the right time for resourceful Profit-seekers and the dreamy Believers, ye who will write more guides and almanacs for every-one who hath not been raised and who hath not ascended, just as they have written and will yet write for 2012, after nothing grandiose hath happened before in 1999/2000.
- And they will explain in their books that they alone know why nothing grandiose hath happened; and the number of different explanations will rival the number of those who explain.
Anyone dareth contradict??
See also: Questions and answers about 2012 (at Nasa)
Photo (original): scol22/sxc
- Like on every other day; and you can expect at leasr one earthquake of magnitude 5.0 or higher every day anyway. [↩]