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They shoot with demonstrators!

As if it wasn’t bad enough what the military regime in Myanmar/Burma (now what’s the name?) is doing – and not just during the current demonstrations –, now the ZDFtext reports about shooting with demonstrators:

ZDFtext: Rangun: Sie sollen auch wieder Demonstranten geschlagen und geschossen haben. Es soll sich um Warnschüsse handeln.

Translation: “They reportedly have beaten and shot with demonstrators again. They say it was warning shots.”

They must have quite big cannons… and how does this work, a warning shot of demonstrators – are they shot only slowly or a low height so they don’t die when falling back down? :mrgreen:

Alright, it may be just a typo – one little letter in the German text so it would read “…have beaten and shot at…” :razz: Bad enough.

7, 8 or 14 Wonders of the World

So, yesterday, 07/07/07 (unfortunately not on 07:07), the “New 7 Wonders”, which could be voted for on the internet, have been published – not officially acknowledged by the Unesco, not undisputed, but… well, never mind. So we now have (or don’t have), besides the ancient wonders of the “world” – limited to the Mediterranean area and the Middle East, which was the world known in ancient Greece –, which are

  1. Hanging Gardens of Babylon
  2. Colossus of Rhodes
  3. Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus
  4. Lighthouse of Alexandria
  5. Great Pyramid of Giza
  6. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
  7. Statue of Zeus at Olympia

also (=> 14) – or only (=> 7)

  1. Great Wall of China
  2. Petra, Jordan
  3. Christ the Redeemer statue, Brazil
  4. Machu Picchu, Peru
  5. Chichén Itzá, Mexico
  6. Roman Colosseum, Italy
  7. Taj Mahal, India

– including, by the way, just two of my seven votes, and the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany didn’t make it, “of course”, was apparently on the unrewarding 8th place – and, so Zahi Hawass doesn’t get mad, also (=>8) the honor candidate, the “eternal wonder”:

the only ancient wonder that still stands.

Think of it what you want, ‘t is a nice thing, somehow, anyway…