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Current Pabuca topic, of course…

In the heart of the town at the main square, there’s the town hall – and it’s its surroundings that I’m showing here, ordered west (front), north, east, south (simply ignoring the 3-pictures-rule). But photographed upwards. :)

Rathaus nach oben W IMG_5266

Rathaus nach oben N IMG_5265

Rathaus nach oben O IMG_5264

Rathaus nach oben S IMG_5267


The next Pabuca topic

An old house (that looks even older due to some filtering):

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New homes and space for even more – on a former industrial area at the edge of the city center:

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And finally the freshly renovated Flaschlturm (“flask tower”), a relic from the old fortifications along the town wall – more here (PDF), item 2. Will be used as home for art scholarship holders, the first of these “Joseph Maria Lutz scholarships” was awarded recently (German):

Flaschlturm IMG_4717 copy1