Misc Macros
After the dandelions and the flowers and insects, there was one more set of macro photos from last Sunday missing – here they are…
Link and Video of the Week (2010/18)
- Great black-and-white photos from his “Quadrants” series at Marcel’s.
- And lest we forget that volcano with its unpronounceable name, here’s a video with shockwaves (via Bad Astronomy)
Links and Videos of the Week (2010/14)
- Marcel’s got some fantastic photos of skyscrapers in vertical perspective.
- Great spring photos at The Big Picture
- Understanding Christianese: Lesson 1, Lesson 2, Lesson 3, Lesson 4 (via Friendly Atheist)
- Die Ergebnisse des UFO-Bilder-Fälscherwettbewerbs.
- The theory of relativity as a song: (via Astrodicticum)
- Guess everyone’s seen this video of the pixelization of the world already, but anyway: