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Projekt 52 week 4: Contemporary witness

Projekt 52 The topic for week 4 for Sari’s Projekt 52 (German):

Contemporary witness (expressly not necessarily a person).

Easy for me to find a motif, just get on my balcony and I had my constructural contemporary witness:

04: Contemporary witness

Week 4: Contemporary witness

The old Ilmgau department store in Pfaffenhofen/Ilm – opened 1977, closed 2005 with 7-digit debts. To the left an old cinema, at last the beverage department of the store. Since recently, after several failed attempts to sale/auction it, it has new owners – cinema and a small stockroom (not on the photo) will be knocked down, the rest will house offices, and probably a shop on the ground floor.

I’ve only seen the last two years, and then it was mainly a supermarket with remains from general wares. Old furniture and installations, broken heating in the last winter, range of products growing sparser and sparser, probably the region’s highest share of food beyond its eat-by date – and ever fewer customers. Which turns into a vicious circle, of course…

…so, a contemporary witness of former store ages that couldn’t keep up with the times…

Of course I modified the colors a little…

Help, the monster is loose!

Aaaahh! A few days ago, it appeared for the first time, this *gulp* horrid monster with its glowing eyes and the *shiver* terrible mouth! And almost every evening it briefly looks around. It will surely catch me on Halloween! *shriek*

Look at this sh- shocking photo:

Monster at night


These eyes… and that mouth… *whimper*
My worst nightmares…

It looks – I don’t dare to say it – it looks like… like…

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7, 8 or 14 Wonders of the World

So, yesterday, 07/07/07 (unfortunately not on 07:07), the “New 7 Wonders”, which could be voted for on the internet, have been published – not officially acknowledged by the Unesco, not undisputed, but… well, never mind. So we now have (or don’t have), besides the ancient wonders of the “world” – limited to the Mediterranean area and the Middle East, which was the world known in ancient Greece –, which are

  1. Hanging Gardens of Babylon
  2. Colossus of Rhodes
  3. Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus
  4. Lighthouse of Alexandria
  5. Great Pyramid of Giza
  6. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
  7. Statue of Zeus at Olympia

also (=> 14) – or only (=> 7)

  1. Great Wall of China
  2. Petra, Jordan
  3. Christ the Redeemer statue, Brazil
  4. Machu Picchu, Peru
  5. Chichén Itzá, Mexico
  6. Roman Colosseum, Italy
  7. Taj Mahal, India

– including, by the way, just two of my seven votes, and the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany didn’t make it, “of course”, was apparently on the unrewarding 8th place – and, so Zahi Hawass doesn’t get mad, also (=>8) the honor candidate, the “eternal wonder”:

the only ancient wonder that still stands.

Think of it what you want, ‘t is a nice thing, somehow, anyway…