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Help, another monster!

The house monster got a companion: this guy I spotted last night:


I’ve marked him here so you can recognize him better:


Doesn’t he look a bit like Taz, the Tazmanian Devil from the Bugs Bunny cartoons, just with a smaller or almost closed mouth?

Even if you can’t actually tell (without the marking) whether he happily walks to the right, waving his hand, or stares angrily at someone… I’m really getting the notion that THEY – monstrous THEY – soon will get me! Halp!!!


Projekt 52 topic 7: Monster [under the bed]

The topic of week 7 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:

Monster under the bed

I’ll take the liberty to ignore the “under the bed” part – this house monster is simply too good:

Or a little lighter (depends on your monitor’s settings how it looks for you):

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A ghost scurries through the room

What an eerie snapshot I took the night before last – and it fits the topic of week 29 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:

…i.e. without arrangement…

29: Snapshot

Week 29: Snapshot

Isn’t it uncanny how that ghost glides horizontally through the room in the house across the street?


:loll: Alright, it’s not a ghost (duh!), just a long-time exposure (25 seconds) with reflections of street lights and shop windows in a (dark) window while a car was passing by…

Here’s the full image with the window next to it:

29b: Snapshot

Links of the Week (2008/11)

Short and sweet: