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Help, the monster is loose!

Aaaahh! A few days ago, it appeared for the first time, this *gulp* horrid monster with its glowing eyes and the *shiver* terrible mouth! And almost every evening it briefly looks around. It will surely catch me on Halloween! *shriek*

Look at this sh- shocking photo:

Monster at night


These eyes… and that mouth… *whimper*
My worst nightmares…

It looks – I don’t dare to say it – it looks like… like…

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For Internet Explorer haters…

…who can stitch well enough (not me), an IE voodoo doll would be nice:

IE voodoo doll

» Tutorial at ChiBits (many photos – including the above one)

Smilie by GreenSmilies.com But watch out that you don’t prick yourself and spill more blood than what is currently was dripping from my blog header during Halloween, which looked like that:

Halloween screenshot

(via H725.de via Blogfever)