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Links and Video of the Week (2009/9)

“Goodbye and sorry” ← just a quote, don’t worry!

Recently in my feed reader1, after about only 30 words of post text (my translation):

[Now only a small appetizer as feed. Bye and sorry to all who like to read the feed!]

Feed cup Now another feed gone from my reader. Bye from someone who liked to read the feed!

There are only a few blogs who manage to still be subscribed to by me despite of their abbreviated feed… but you, too, are more “endangered” than others. :)

It certainly happens that I read less of you than if your feed were delivering complete posts, because I don’t click on every post. It’s also a matter of the time it takes, you know. Especially if the short text doesn’t really show what the post is about and what one can expect (depends on its length, of course; one blog, for instance, used to have not even one complete line). Just wanted to mention that…

Or how do you think about shortened feeds?2

Feed icon from the Smashing Magazine

  1. if you don’t know what that is: see Wikipedia []
  2. Yes, this is the typical “question at the end of the post asking for comments”. ;) []