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Interruption with edges and corners

I already posted my rant here about the strange combination of rounded and cut-off corners in the ZDF’s football design, and even though the design is much less bad than the message, that is the missing image thanks to the blackout in Vienna where apparently the signal for all stations worldwide is routed through (by contract) from the UEFA (except Switzerland, since Basel, where the match took place, is in Switzerland, so that the ZDF was able to take SF’s signal later on), I do have to complain about the edges and corners of this screen (which is similar to the natíonal league’s results tables, if I remember correctly) in this long sentence, which I’m also wondering whether you guys even read it completely – slanted in one place, rounded in another, slanted and rounded in yet anotrher – who’s designing stuff like that?


Translation: Interruption – The lines from Basel are interrupted. Please have a little patience.

Anyway, I’ll go and continue to celebrate… :jubel: :applaus:

A little plea to the ball

woman with red soccer ball

You tough sweetie pie you!
Ball, my serious quest.
When jesting in lonely night!
Kick – yes live it!
By Babylon’s towers!
Footballer you.
Absurd in all worlds.
Ball between distress and swearing.
Footballer oh so deflowered.


Yes, I had no better idea for a post today, so another poem created with the German poem generator Poetron, and I even translated it! (Really quite verbatim, actually.) And I hope you like the photo (by Lev Dolgatshjov – Fotolia.com).

Quote of the Day (12)

„I assume that possibly there might be an acquittal.“
(My translation of) federal coach Jogi Löw in the press conference (with a certain emphasis on (what I’ve translated with) “possibly” and especially “might be”) after he was banned from the field, see e.g. Sport1, ARD, … (German)

I assume that Jogi possibly might have spent too much time in the vicinity of politicians last night if he’s using such multiple careful words… (and of course there might always be an acquittal if the law or rules allow it).