The next photo for Project “Show Colors”:
Yet more than just buds
There are a few macro images below, but let’s first turn to photos with more scenery, mostly from the beaver nature trail at the Ilm.
You can also watch the entire set as a slideshow on Flickr – sit back and enjoy instead of scroll and stare at the small images.
Once 1/30 second exposure, once 1/5000:
Busy collecting nectar and pollen – unfortunately I didn’t catch that big one better:
Last Sunday (left) still pretty, today (right) no longer:
If Water Has A Memory…
A nice poster from “The American Institute for the Destruction of Tooth Fairy Science” / Hell’s News Stand:
(via Respectful Insolence)
Projekt 52 week 44: Hope
The topic of week 44 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:
Half full? Half empty?
Half full! And becoming full.