“The Next Uri Geller” 2008 for statistics lovers

This is about a show from the first German season of “The Next Uri Geller” from early 2008. You can also:
» Show all my reports from the first season.
» Show everything about the second season 2009.
» Show really all articles about Uri Geller.

A few small, somewhat useless diagrams about this mixture of mental-magic entertainment arts, brainwashing of the people by claims of “real powers”, and boredom… :mrgreen:


Updated diagram with world final’s ratings (#9) after the German final (#8):



How many overtime minutes did the shows have (compared to the original announcements, not the teletext/EPG data)?


Page views

How often were my reports about the shows accessed?
The data was gathered with the WordPress.com Stats plugin (which counts neither my own accesses nor search engine crawlers).

page view history
(click for large view)

The peaks are from Wednesdays, i.e. the days after the shows.

Starting with the 4th show, I added – for SEO, if you will – “opinion, tricks, explanations” to my post titles.

The drop for the German final must have been caused by the fact that, since it was the final, many other sites (including major news sites) wrote about it, there wasn’t that much traffic left for me…

Summarized for each post:

page views total

Alright, not thaaat many; for example, the gellerentlarvt blog that I linked to a few times, sometimes got that many during a single show – but for me, quite okay. And hey, I don’t want hundreds of comments on each and every post, that would mean quite some work. ;)

Concurrent visitors

According to the who’s.amung.us tool, there were a maximum of 51 concurrent visitors (during the shows), i.e. within 5 minutes, it seems.

2 Trackbacks

  1. jL

    Wow cool! Sehr hübsch aufbereitet und vor allem: gut, dass du so oft gefunden wurdest (Aufklärung tut ja Not!)

  2. U

    Das ist so bunt und ansprechend, da konnte selbst ich nicht nein sagen :mrgreen:
    Das 3. Bild sieht aber zu sehr schemenhaft aus, sicher, dass da kein Mentalist dazwischen gefunkt hat? Mit bunten Auren? Oder so? ;)

  3. c

    Das ist es – bunte Auren! Jetzt weiß ich endlich, wie Excel die Farben auswählt! ;)

  4. U

    Har har, hänge an Excel ein H vorne dran und lasse deine Gedanken schweifen :D

  5. c

    Nun muss ich nicht nur beim Programmieren aufpassen – was glaubst du, wie oft da Hex(!)adezimal-Zahlen vorkommen! – sondern schon beim Tabellenkalkulieren… seufz…

  6. H

    Net schlecht die Statistik :mrgreen:

  7. T

    vielleicht waren’s ja echte kräfte, die deine besucherzahlen gepusht haben ???

  8. c

    Vielleicht war’s aber auch dieselbe Person, die mal Hannes und mal Tormentor heißt…? ;)

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