Naked disgrace?

Alright, that title’s a little lurid and exaggerated – it’s about the “naked globe” in the OneGeology project which offers, starting today, worldwide geology data (as many news sites report). And what do you see on the map portal ( as Firefox 3 user?

This application is optimized for IE6, IE7, Flock 1.2 and Firefox 2.

Well, Firefox 3 was released only in mid-July, so… ;)

What do you get with Opera 9.51 and Safari 3.1 (Windows)?1 No, not the same message, but an “eternal” loading animation with a strangely shaped landmass on the globe graphic:
OneGeology loading graphics

Finally, it works as expected with the Internet Explorer. C’mon, folks, if you got to have a browser switch, do it right!

Or will they do it right some time today, and I was a bit rash?

Update 7 Aug. 2pm: No improvement yet…
Update 9 Aug. 9.30pm: Ditto.

  1. And with Firefox with JavaScript disabled. []


  1. S

    Insgesamt hört ich der Sinn der Webseite und der Weltkarte aber ziemlich interessant an.

  2. c

    Ja, finde ich auch.

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