Guided by elemental powers?

hot-air balloon That’s nonsense this way, of course – just because your answers to 15 personality test questions tend more in this or that direction doesn’t mean you’re “guided” by fire, water, earth, or air; the test’s author just packed various character traits into four groups and strikingly associated them with these four antique elements.

But of course such small tests like this one, “Which elemental powers guide you?” (German) (via Nadine), are not to be taken too seriously, they’re rather little pastimes – and occasionally a welcome blog summer slump filler.

So let’s mix my results

Fire : 20 %
Water : 13 %
Air : 47 %
Earth : 20 %

together, and we get a hot-air balloon jettisoning earth which then falls into water. Or something like that. At least you can say that a hot-air balloon (though not the characters of the people riding it) is guided by air (wind)…

And if that isn’t enough for you, you can get your personal horosope in this post. ;)

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