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Just a few or here and there?

From the German weather service, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Weather and warning situation south-east (German), today at 4 p.m. (my translation, as good as possible):

In northern bavaria here and there, in southern bavaria only a few THUNDERSTORMS, partially with SQUALLS, HAIL and INTENSE RAIN.

Well, hopefully lightning strikes are not rare, but only seldom.

Funny Stuff(?)

I’ve added a » gallery with a handful of (mostly older) photos and screenshots to this site. It’s up to you readers to tell if they are really funny to you – some are rather “capostrophical”. :)

Let’s see what else I’ll find; this gallery is intended to be expanded in the future.

(Copyright of all these images, unless specified otherwise in particular cases, owned by me – no re-publishing without express prior consent!)

An intentional Lorem Ipsum

Information about origin and meaning/translation of “Lorem Ipsum” can be found e.g. in the Wikipedia.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean ut mauris vel erat convallis tempus. Mauris elementum lorem id metus. Ut nec ipsum. Fusce nec massa. Cras aliquam I congue eros. Mauris vulputate. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia just nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Sed condimentum mi a est. Sed tellus justo, malesuada vitae, wanted imperdiet nec, consequat vitae, nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et to netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec a massa ut elit mollis iaculis. Aenean mattis odio et neque. Aliquam nisi see.

Etiam ipsum est, varius nec, viverra id, aliquet et, neque. Phasellus a enim. Maecenas vel what pede id eros luctus suscipit. Maecenas consectetuer elit in leo. Proin dui enim, semper id, venenatis a sed, cursus vel, neque. Proin tortor ante, volutpat eget, porttitor dapibus, mattis quis, nulla. Ut gravida auctor felis. Cras nulla augue, sollicitudin ac, imperdiet at, long tincidunt a, mi. Aenean aliquet elit ut nulla. Duis dictum. Proin suscipit, ipsum nec venenatis adipiscing text, orci sapien consequat enim, sit amet ultricies dolor erat ut arcu. Donec ultrices, velit et tincidunt sagittis, lacus augue vehicula sem, convallis molestie sem neque ut looks libero. Maecenas sed libero a elit rutrum consequat. Etiam pharetra erat eget turpis. Duis nec erat in sem mollis lacinia. Nulla sapien dui, semper quis, vestibulum eget, imperdiet quis, like nisl.

Ut leo. Integer sit amet metus. Mauris elit eros, aliquam id, condimentum quis, rutrum nec, leo here. Morbi auctor. Vivamus dolor orci, imperdiet a, pellentesque ut, eleifend sit amet, purus. In id tellus. Nam et risus. :)

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