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Blot art

Pollock Kunst

Via Julia, I found the Pollock generator with which you can play and blot artistically – playfully create blot art – blotting create play art… well, something like that. :)

Just move the cursor above the (Flash) page – click to change the color, press the space bar to clean the canvas. And if you want to know what Jackson Pollock himself has painted, see the image search.

I then created two pieces of art my self (click to enlarge) – anyone wants to buy them? :mrgreen:

Pollock Gen 1
“The carnival gene #1”

Pollock Gen 2
“The carnival gene #2”

Aur Onnad Meren!

J.R.R. Tolkien, creator of the fantasy world Middle-earth with his novel series “The Lord Of The Rings” and several other works, would have become 116 years old today.

Quetis Ilfirimain:
Corma turien te
Corma tuvien
Corma tultien te
Huines se nutien.
Tercáno Nuruva.
Tuvien Corma tultien te
Huinesse nutien
Corma turien te Corma.

Show English translation ▼

(Source title “Happy birthday”, poem)

Rubbing ideas for me

Ideas rub you properly
Properly and sportive
Well, ideas
Ideas for me
You rub not the misery
But the snake rubs you
You ideas, you sportive ones
Ideas for me, ideas mighty and beautiful



Since I couldn’t come up with something better, I just used the German poem generator Poetron (homepage), which I had just discovered, entered the German equivalents to “me”, “idea” and “uninspired” (which wasn’t used), and the very first (honestly!), erm, poem it gave me was what I then translated pretty much verbatim above…


The Martians attack!

War of the Worlds - Tripod Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt our blog program to bring you a special news bulletin.

At twenty minutes before eight, Professor Farrell of the Munich university observatory reports observing several explosions of incandescent gas, occurring at regular intervals on the planet Mars. The spectroscope indicates the gas to be hydrogen and moving towards the earth with enormous velocity.

Now, nearer home, comes a special bulletin from Rosenheim. It is reported that at 9:50 A.M. a huge, flaming object, believed to be a meteorite, fell on a farm in the neighborhood of Prien at the Chiemsee, 9 miles from Rosenheim.

The flash in the sky was visible within a radius of several hundred miles and the noise of the impact was heard as far north as Ingolstadt. Our reporter:

“Well, I… hardly know where to begin. I just got here. I guess that’s the thing, directly in front of me, half buried in a vast pit. Must have struck with terrific force. What I can see of the object itself doesn’t look very much like a meteor, at least not the meteors I’ve seen. It looks more like a huge cylinder, with a diameter of… about thirty yards.

She’s off! The top’s loose! Look out there! Stand back!

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the most terrifying thing I have ever witnessed… Wait a minute! Someone’s crawling out of the hollow top. Someone or… something. I can see peering out of that black hole two luminous disks — are they eyes? It might be a face. It might be…

A humped shape is rising out of the pit. I can make out a small beam of light against a mirror. What’s that? There’s a jet of flame springing from that mirror, and it leaps right at the advancing men. It strikes them head on! Good Lord, they’re turning into flame!

Would that be a reason to panic – hearing it only on radio, without television or internet?

At least that is an (adapted and shortened) excerpt from the beginning of Orson Welles’ radio drama based on H.G.Wells’ “War of the Worlds” which aired 69 years ago today, on 30 October 1938, in the USA and apparently caused some panic mainly in New York and New Jersey where the main plot has been moved to…

You can get an original recording e.g. at the Internet Archive, and a transcript here.