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On September 21…

The invisible man visits the Hobbit in the dark tower, and Galileo has, until its end, cost (converted) many pound sterling

(This time – kind of continued from August 13 – one sentence combines two dates of birth of authors (1866, 1947), represented by famous works, a book being published (1937), the end of a space mission (2003) and an event in economic history (1931). :) )

Quote of the Day (2)

This is about Harry Potter, see “The Cross with Religion” on Spiegel Online (German):

“[Children] are quite able to tell the difference between right and wrong as well as between reality and illusion.”
Religion pedagogue and Protestant theologian Matthias Frohmann (my translation)

(And I agree with him there.)

The Churches see it (surprisingly?) rather relaxed, whereas fundamentalist “religiously motivated critics” rather see a “seduction into satanism, mockery of Christianity, playing down occultism.” Well, the former Cardinal Ratzinger is quoted to have written of “subtle seductions that have an imperceptible and especially for that reason deep effect and subvert Christian faith in the soul before it could even grow properly” in 2003 (my translation).

Well, they’re obviously afraid that the children (and adults) might use their mind also to critically and scientifically look into the “miracles” from biblical and later times and discover more about reality than fundamentalist and maybe “normal” Christians might like… :twisted: