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Another kind of wishing

Recently in one of the local weekly ad papers (Pfaffenhofener Anzeiger from July 2; my translation):

Novena to St. Clara. Light a candle on 9 consecutive days and pray an Ave Maria, express two desires that seem impossible to you and one desire that is dear to your heart. Let the candle burn all the way down on the 9th day and publish this message. Your plea will be heard.

(If the candle industry is behind such ads? ;) )

Can also be found in the same or similar words at various places – for instance in this astrology/mysticism forum of a German women’s site where someone expresses (for fun?) this plea, among others (again, my translation):

1. please stop these inexpressably pompous religious texts in mysticism forums!

As if mystics and astrologers never write pompous texts! And topically it matches quite well, I really don’t know what she’s complaining about…

2 candles No matter if it’s an imaginary “law” of the universe – as in various mysticism books that I already mentioned in my satire here – or imaginary heavenly helpers, I think it’s despicable to give people who may be in emotional or financial distress false hopes with more or less ridiculous rituals that their wishes would be fulfilled “just like that”.

May be that certain rituals may help some people to accomplish certain goals which they can actually influence themselves – do more sports, be more friendly, “become a better person”, etc. –, or also help for some minor illnesses through a placebo effect. But hoping that the world (the universe, heaven) would be at their service and grant arbitrary wishes is just a false hope that they are being talked into with such mystic or religious “methods”.

Particularly since this novena text (by the way, why an Ave Maria towards a Clara and not directly to Mary herself?) may make the impression which “lavendelmond” expressed in this women’s magazine’s site’s thread this way, though apologetically (my translation):

for me this sounded so “magically-forcing”… do this and that, then “the universe/MotherMary/the Lord” must do etc. etc.

it just reminded me of one of these many unbearable chain letters with false promises that float around the net, hence my comment, no offense meant ;-)

When she’s right… better said, was right, she renounced that opinion. Unfortunately, for where’s the difference regarding false promises?

Before, she had written:

why all this “ballyhoo” with the nine days etc.

just pray, with all your heart, and trust that god’s will be good for us, even if we can’t recognize that immediately every time

Well, there’s the proverbs “Heaven helps them who help themselves” and “The Lord walks mysterious ways”? A nice excuse for nonfunctional prayers, I think, because those who already helped themselves, thus taking their fate into their own hands, can also easily do without heavenly intervention which he wouldn’t be able to recognize as such anyway, if it occured at all, that is.

Links of the Week (2008/26)

Divine search phrases

magnifying glass and praying girl :bow: Welcome to a special edition of “replying” to search queries about religious topics – and a little mysticism is included, too…

Fot those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones. Conveniently, they can form a real dialog (if you arrange them as needed, as I did), which I emphasised with long dashes “—”.

I know your in heaven smiling down every day we pray for you — Think about it, does it make sense (even from the point of view of a deeply religious person) to pray for someone who is already in heaven? — Think? Don’t want to do that; see, that’s why I believe! :twisted:

God… — Which one? You can find yourself a god, believe in which one you want cause dont you know there all the same, they just go by different names. — People try and tell that its crazy: weird look at the wall for 10 seconds and you will see god — Yeah, that’s really weird, downright insane. I got a better idea: look up at me and you’ll see your god! And as a god, I’ll answer a few questions:

Oh lord is i in heaven? — No, not in English, but the German word for “heaven”, “Himmel”, does indeed contain an “i”.

God why won’t you let me sell my house? — ’cause you’re living in a church, that’s why!

Oh lord wont you by me a monkey? — What banalities should a god be in charge of?? And you certainly won’t get a monkey: monkeys are evil, they remind too much of evolution! ;)

What’s the point of living if we know were gonna die one day? Speak o lord as we come to you! — You woudln’t need a god to find an answer: to live, of course! — till the end of my days o lord? — Right-o!

Lord i know that i’m in your hands and you won’t let go — Don’t be so sure about that – that’s also what a free climber said when folding his hands to pray… …and thud!

My god why is my heart so cold? — Wait a moment, im searching for an angel to bring me your heart, then I’ll have a closer look.

I did some science and im feeling’ fine — Fine, you’re getting better!

how numerology help our science and technology — But not with such a crap as numerology! — *sheepishly* trees numerology? numerology hyphen value? — Stop it, that’s anything but science, that’s bullshit!

Speaking of bullshit:

pierre franckh wishing bullshit? — Yes! (he’s a small German Rhonda Byrne, if you will)

:bye: That’s it – and as closing words for today:
Why be a nobody in heaven when you can be a star in hell?