Projekt 52 topic 8: Movement

The topic of week 8 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:


Things like this wouldn’t work without moving:

08: Movement (1)

Topic 08: Movement

Light painting with a long lighter.

The more modern variant:

08: Movement (2)

Topic 08: Movement

Light painting with an LED flashlight.

Created with 11 mm focal length1 – my windowless (thus always darkenable) bathroom isn’t that big2 –, aperture 3.5, ISO 100 and an exposure time of 20 (top) and 10 seconds (bottom).

  1. on a crop camera – Canon 40D –, so effectively 17.6 mm []
  2. alright, I could’ve moved the little closet I used as camera stand further away, but I was too lazy for that. ;) []


Ausschau haltend Welcome to the latest edition of “replying” to search queriesthe world is right, the air is light, i’m like a baby

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

Why would you want someone to tune your fur and even tell you about it?

prophecy 2009/2012

2012 what do Christians say
2012. Especially Christians will hardly call that year anything but 2012. Jews may say 5773 and Muslims 1434.

Zugspitze 2012
No, 2962 meters (Germany’s highest mountain).

in Mars year 2009 more boys born
Wait until the year is over, how should anyone know that in advance? Alright, there may be crackpots who believe they can astrologically say something, but, well, they’re crackpots.

dream numerology number 36
Yes, numerology is just like dreaming, detached from reality. (Except there are real people believing it, that is.)

can’t find nina hagen documentary
Hey, be glad about that!

lotto numbers of tomorrow question to the universe
Better question to the universe: Intelligence for tomorrow?

can magic reveal the right lotto numbers.for 14 05 2009 year
Magic can predict nothing.For any year.

Just check

lotto numbers almost always drawn
which lotto numbers were repeated in the same combination in the past 5 years
Oh, you expect Google to answer a long question right away? Anyway, all drawings for all decades are available at the lotto companies, so enjoy your useless analysis…

christina aguiler AND hER RÉSUMÉ
Don’t shout – but who’s interested in her résumé anyway?

my aunt was naked
I think everyone was naked at some time. So what?

without panties blog
You’re at the right place, my blog’s got no panties on. (Which also means that all visitors have to remove their underwear beforehand!)

video preview without panties
What I just said also applies here.

looking for tight swim tanga panties
Maybe look at my readers’ (who obey aforementioned rules).

(sexy or erotik or erotic) nature
Ohh, yes, nature is very sexy – if I only think about all these many brooks I’m getting all wet! Or is that because I just fell into one?

what’s the name of the video 1man 1 cup?
Counterquestion: What’s the name of John Public?

USB stick on Amstrad CPC
Ahh, that brings up nostalgic feelings… (But I don’t know if there are USB extensions for the CPC.)

And finally: What neither URLs nor sensible search requests look like:
www.i fuk my
www borno de
www hart kohr vidios de
www mail .r

:bye: Alright, that’s it for… what, another one? I got no more time.

Just one word
Fine, then. And which word?

Very funny. But you’re right. Bye, that’s it for this time, and remember: Now I’ve told you this once before: you can’t control me.

Photo: Coka –

My ATIKMDAG finally behaves

head Atikmdag is part of the ATI graphics driver; Windows Vista got a function to detect lockups of graphics drivers and tries to re-initialize them, which results in a message like “Display driver stopped responding and has recovered” – if you’re lucky, that’s it and everything works fine again, but if not, you get a bluescreen after the fifth attempt.

That’s just the problem my new main PC from early November had: after one to a few hours on the desktop with the nice glass and other window effects of Vista Aero enabled, the aforementioned message appeared, almost always with bluescreen. With the normal Basic theme there were never any problems (except that it’s not really pretty…).

As the internet tells, there are numerous other people with similar problems at various places as well as numerous possible causes and attempts to solve them – power supply, PCIe clock, memory, and and and. Didn’t apply to me or didn’t help.

That’s how i was with the Catalyst hotfix driver 8.10 – the first to support the brand-new Radeon HD4650 cards –, and due to negative reports from others I skipped 8.11 and 8.12. When Catalyst 9.1 was released at the end of January, I thought I’d give it another try and installed this driver together with the latest DirectX update (Nov.2008), and behold: The box runs stable with full Aero Glass effects for full 8 to 12 hour days without any crash since then.

Don’t know if this hint helps anyone else… Still, for the sake of completeness (and for anyone who’s curious), here are a few system specs:

Board: MSI P35D3 Platinum
Chipset: Intel P35 (oh, really?)
CPU: Core 2 Duo E8500 (3.17GHz)
RAM: 4 GB (2x Crucial 2 GB DDR3-1066)
upgraded to 8 GB (4x Crucial 2 GB DDR3-1066)
Graphics: 2x HIS HD4650 iSilence 4 (passive cooling)1
Power supply: Enermax PRO82+ 525W
OS: Windows Vista 64 Ultimate
Hard disks: 2x 640GB Samsung HD642JJ2
Case: Antec P182
Noise: very quiet :mrgreen:
  1. one card isn’t enough for 3 monitors… []
  2. no RAID, just 2 disks []