
PABUCE topic “Faults”… but whose fault is it anyway?

At the District Office’s construction site, they decided to build a gable at one back corner even though only a normal roof was originally planned and approved – since that casts too much shadow on the opposite house, its owner didn’t like that, and the gable must be removed:


Before – after: What a little landslide can do to a garden…


(This is, by the way, the construction site of the apartment complex where I’m living for two years now. Wasn’t my fault, though.^^)

And a little fault during road markings:



Summertime at Pabuca’s…

Summer – time for outdoor swimming. You got such pools in many towns, but which has such a picturesque clock tower above the main entrance?


Summer – time for the (nearly) annual night flea market, even if that’s mostly taking place during broad daylight (but Munich’s Oktoberfest is mostly in September, too, celebrating just into October):

Nachtflohmarkt IMG_5254

Speaking of the Oktoberfest: Summer – time for building the beer hall. Our Volksfest, by the way, takes place in early/mid September:



Current PABUCA topic. And I’m curious as to how many – accidental or intentional – wrong re-translations we will see in all the photos, given that the German word “Technik” can also be used for technology, engineering, mechanics, workings, equipment. :)

The voluntary fire brigade certainly requires the proper technique, technology, and equipment:


Without a good climbing technique, you probably won’t reach the top of the new exterior climbing wall of our local climbing gym:


We continue in a sportive way: with the new triple gym in the school center. How much of the gymnastics and sports techniques the students will eagerly learn, is another question… as is how the color arrangement was chosen:
