

Translation: Blogger scandal! Music quiz delayed

Why? Michael commented yesterday on “Musik quiz delayed” (my translation):

Though I never participated, I think this is scandalous!!!11eleven

I tried hard that this doesn’t get blown up, but the press did hear about it after all, as you can see…

Alright, those who want to participate in the quiz can do so today at 4pm CEST.

Newspaper created at

The longest line of song lyrics (and a good song, too)

58 words in one line are quite a lot, aren’t they? It looks like this (together with the line before that ends with “single”):

And if anyone can show me just one example in the history of the world of a single
Spiritual or religious person who has been able to prove either logically or empirically the existence of a higher power that has any consciousness or interest in the human race or ability to punish or reward humans for there moral choices or that there is any reason – other than fear – to believe in any version of an afterlife

And as you can see, the contents are good, too :mrgreen: – it’s “If You Open Your Mind Too Much Your Brain Will Fall Out (Take My Wife)” by Tim Minchin, here’s the video:

You can also listen to and download the MP3 file of this and other songs on his official site. The full lyrics can be found elsewhere, e.g. here.

(via GWUP-Blog)

Bitchy board

board section Didn’t imagine that a mainboard (in this case an MSI X38 Diamond and for testing a P35D3) would be so bitchy when the CPU revision (in this case a Wolfdale E0) is a bit newer than the old BIOS supports – at least it should start DOS to allow a BIOS update, but no, it’s gotta hang with full-screen logo during memory or USB initialization and ignore any keypress, except when occasionally asking whether to reset the BIOS setup, just to hang after that, or sometimes turn itself off and back on every few seconds until you unplug it, or… or… or…

So it’s remove CPU, search an older one, install, update, remove, install new one, phew, works. The first major step towards my new work PC is done…