I can see you in you eis

Hello i’ve got something to tell you but it’s crazy! Welcome to the latest edition of “replying” to search queriessit right here and tell me baby whatcha need.

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

i can see you in you eis
(“Eis” is German for “ice”) Ice in the ice? May happen. But it’s of little use to directly speak to the ice.



oh oh oh song from whom is it
Oh oh oh, I don’t know. Does one of my readers know more?

how calculate with astrology the lotto
You take planet and paint numbers on.

ancient trick to predict lotto numbers
Take the date of the drawing in the Maya calendar, for instance, 5 Ahau 3 Zac for this Saturday. Works just as well as any prediction, i.e. not at all.
What, you don’t like the 0? Wait and see, it will be drawn this time!

wrong end of the world prophecies
All. But who’s making such silly prophecies anyway?

I didn’t do it
no i didn’t
i did nothing
Those who deny the loudest are often the guilty ones…

why did i do nothing?
Well, only the gods know that – i.e. nobody.

Jesus can you please do something new in my life Im feeing terrible Lord
Try atheism. :mrgreen:

Did you know Genise lived in a house? Cause I dont nothing here but Chicken
No, didn’t know that. But watch out, chickens can be aggressive – not that they’ve driven Genise out of her house (or even worse)!

good uniwerse
No, not good – universe is spelled with a “v”.

quotes no ones heard of
How do you want to find quotes on the internet if nobody heard of them?

kroatisch deutsch sprich englisch
“Croatian German”.

hey hey hey hey im a white cloud
Hey hey hey hey, now what were you smoking? Got something left?

the trick with the panties
No, no panties this time.

you bastard
Hey, no insults here! Just wate for the next search queries post.

Well, before more angels without panties show up: that’s it for this time, bye, and remember: what’s rock without noise? you can’t have that! there’s no such thing!

Spiritual healing and publishing your phone number

spiritual phone Now is it bad giving your phone number on your blog – not regarding possible legal reasons to do so (which is a bit, well, odd in Germany)? Well, I would miss calls like the one this afternoon – which, on the other hand, I somehowcould do without, too.

A woman who reached my opinion on “Top-level spiritual healing” probably with the search phrase (translated) “do you have to say something specific for spiritual healing ?” called me because she, being a beginner, was interested in an introduction to spiritual healing (she’d even pay for it…) and wasn’t sure how that stuff works and if there’s anything to it at all. She apparently assumed I’d offer such services and clicked on my contact details right away without reading my post! 8O

Well, at the least this way I could inform her about what that post was there for – to be read, that is –, and direct her to the link tip, the German GWUP page about paramedicine. Maybe, hopefully, she now refrains from her spiritual healing intentions…

Speaking of blog-related phone calls: I would have missed a praising call for (if I remember correctly) “Healing with barcodes”, too. :mrgreen:

Photo (without phone): Stas Perov – Fotolia.com

Projekt 52 week 43: The four elements

The topic of week 43 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:

The four elements
[that’s fire, water, air and earth, and it’s up to us participants whether to take all 4 or not]

Well, I can’t match Lia’s great set of four photos… but anyway:

43: The four elements

Week 43: The four elements

I’ve picked two – and so you see a tealight in a glass of water, intentionally very dark. Though if you can see no structures in the lower half, your monitor is set up wrong. :)

Fooling around

For starters, there’s the statistics function of the new Akismet1 version – others already reported abot it, showing quite different graphs –, which gives this image for my blog (as of this morning):


Secondly, here’s the “DNA” of my blog, or rather its HTML structure displayed like DNA profiles, seen at Knut, Thomas and Hans, created with Web2DNA:


And number 3: With the new version of the Glühweinjunkies’ Search Phrases plugin that stores the target post along with the search phrase I added this function for the curious among you to the “fine print” below each post – with a link to unfold it, in order to save space. It’s only present when there actually are search queries, though, so you won’t see it at every post. If you’d like an example: one of my “lotto prediction” posts.

  1. the plugin agains comment spam that probaly every WordPress user knows []

Music Quiz 34

Welcome to my music quiz – whichever type you may have expected, it’s picture riddle time again. :)

1.) Which song title (by whom) is displayed here?

Musik-Quiz 34.1

Gelöst von Pierre: “Saints of Los Angeles” von Mötley Crüe – Video auf Youtube

2.) Which song title (by whom) is displayed here?

Musik-Quiz 34.2

Zuerst gelöst von David (Pierre kam 21 Sekunden später): “Eyes Without A Face” von Billy Idol (Gesicht ohne Augen, aber andersrum) – Video auf Youtube

3.) Und welcher Liedtitel (von wem) ist das?

Vielleicht etwas fies, dieser Rebus – aber man muss ihn nicht unbedingt komplett lösen, um aufs Lied zu kommen:

Musik-Quiz 34.3

Gelöst von Julia: “Maybellene i Hofteholder” von VolbeatVideo auf Youtube

4.) Welcher BANDNAME ist das?

Musik-Quiz 34.4

Gelöst von David (27 Sekunden vor Josie): Black Stone Cherry (Video von “Blind Man”).

Danke fürs Mitmachen, nächsten Dienstag um 16 Uhr gibt’s das nächste Quiz!