Translation: Upper level apartment 3: 4 rooms, 13.6 m² living space, 13 m² balcony
Apartments are getting smaller and smaller… but how do they cram 4 rooms in there?
Well, at least the balcony is almost as large!
Ad flyer Oct. 2008
I recently mentioned the “Bach flower therapy” in which arbitrary 38 “spiritual states” are supposed to be healed with 38 arbitrary plant–water–alcohol mixtures. That’s of cause mystic faith-medicine crap with nothing but placebo effects.
But there are better cures! Since I’m working with computers in my job anyway, I was able to create an absolutely effective new kind of therapy which much better fits the spiritual states it heals than the bullshit from Edward Bach. I’m calling it the CimdComp Therapy:
the Cimddologic Computer Component Therapy.
That’s right, you’re not using some plant or another, but instead essential parts of modern life – the best solution in these modern times!
Warning: Use at you own risk!
Reading this post cannot replace a doctor!
In case of strong symptoms, always consult a doctor!
(↑ Blah-blah for legal reasons which nobody who uses it really believes.)
Pick the component that best fits the current state of your soul in order to cure its disharmonies:
Component: | Helps for spiritual state: |
Processor (modern) | Your thoughts are feeling slow. |
Pentium processor with calculation error | You recognize: “I’m sooo predictable.” |
Motherboard | You are suffering from an Oedipus complex. |
Voltage converter | You’re always feeling very tense. |
Case srew (conventional) | People tell you: “You got a screw loose!” |
Thumbscrew | You have sadistic tendencies. |
Window from side of case | Your exhibitionism is getting too strong. |
Hard disk | Your spine hurts. |
Memory module | You can’t remember things. |
DDR memory | You’re a hopeless fan of former East Germany (DDR). |
DDR2 memory | You’re a hopeless East Germany fan who wants to rebuild the DDR. |
Vibration absorber | Your whole body is shivering. |
Ink jet printer | All that graffiti on your walls makes you angry. |
Mouse (with wire) | You feel all tied and limited in your mobility. |
Mouse (wireless) | You are concerned about too much freedom. |
Space bar | You think your room is too small. |
Keys L and O | You always have to laugh out loud (*LOL*). |
You see, some components are used according to the homeopathic principle “like cures like”, others directly contain the solution. Of course it’s my trade secret how this choice was made.
First make sure the devices are no longer connected to the power outlet.
Now wasn’t that easy? Isn’t that ingenious? What would you need Bach flowers, homeopathic globules or laying on hands for anymore?
Photos: Lev Olkha/Fotolia.com, scol22/sxc
Just one link this time, and it’s in German…
Today, at the end of daylight savings time in Europe, you must set back your clocks. The problem: How on earth should I get into the shops where I bought the clocks to set them back on the shelves on Sunday when all shops are closed? Break in?? That’s really a stupid rule!
Or how are you doing that? I can’t be the only one having a problem here, can I?
Just about a scam spam mail that’s been automatically translated into German…