Uri Geller live, three “Aliens” and no UFOs

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This is just the preliminary report for the show.
» To go to the live report, click here!

At least that’s what I expect from the show “Uri Geller live – Ufos & Aliens: The incredible TV experiment” on Saturday Nov 15, 2008 at 20:15 on ProSieben (Germany). For the guests can be labeled “aliens” in a way:

  • mysticism eccentric and (as ProSieben calls her) “world star” Nina Hagen – who really can be called “not of this world”;
  • Ancient astronaut dreamer and “Swiss success author” Erich von Däniken – in his “theories” also floating a little too high above reality (and also, being Swiss, an alien in Germany);
  • and “The Next Uri Geller” winner Vincent Raven – with his really alien performances.

Well then, as I did for the magic shows with Geller’s gibberish called “The Next Uri Geller” I will have a look at this concoction (and hopefully survive it) and report live or at least shortly after the end of the show, maybe with an intermediate update or two. (Though the English version will probably take a little more time.)

ProSieben writes about this show (all quotes my translations):

Uri Geller doesn’t doubt the existence of extraterrestrials:
“All my life I believed in ufos and aliens. Everyone should look up to the sky in a cloudless night and ask himself: Is it really possible that we’re alone? I think nobody can tell.”

The chief spoon bender, however, forgets to distinguish between life somewhere in space and actual visits here on earth – he probably thinks that everything is “just around the corner” and can be reached easily.

See also: » Proof and faith issues and the strange thoughts of Uri Geller.

In a unique experiment, he wants to try to establish contact

That’d better be null-ique – certainly it won’t be an experiment that deserves this name, but instead the next of Geller’s dumbing of the masses. With an audience in the millions. Where “The Next Uri Geller” still had the somewhat entertaining magic tricks from the contestants, this show can only become some kind of “freak show”…

Together with the audience, the world-famous mystifier will send messages over a radio telescope into space. What will be the replies?

None. At any rate, not in the next few years. Anything else can only be tricks. The TV DIGITAL magazine writes about this teensy-weensy problem (emphasis mine, translation too):

In 1974, the astrophysicist Frank Drake in Arecibo sent a message towards the star cluster M 13. However it will only arrive there in 20000 lightyears[sic!]. Since Uri Geller doesn’t want to wait that long, he will rely not only on radio waves in the show, but also other means: “I need the viewers’ assistance”, the mentalist living in England says. “With the collective power of our thoughts, we will be able to establish contact. This has never been tried before.”

Never tried before? Geller indeed came up with a new trick after all those years?? A miracle! But probably all that’s new is that it’s pretended aliens instead of people who are the pretended telepathy transceivers.

But no matter how they will stage that, I had received the true greetings from the aliens back in September – thanks to spacetime loops. ;)

Let’s have Erich von Däniken give the last word (from an interview in the TV DIGITAL):

You believe, like Uri Geller, that aliens exist. When will we be able to meet the aliens?
“The Maya in Central America have given a date for the return of their gods, i.e. the extraterrestrials. If you believe in this calendar, then it’s December 21, 2012. But you have to convert their date to our calendar. A very insecure thing.”
What a luck for you, for you could be nailed down to it otherwise, couldn’t you?
“Yes, and then everybody says: Neener-neener! [Ätschbätsch!]”

Which is also what all these guys can say whenever they find more people who believe their balderdash…

This is just the preliminary report for the show.
» To go to the live report, click here!


Just a German blog baton…

hölzerne Frau+Mann Von der Prinzzess erreichnt mich dieses Stöckchen:


[X] Du gehst hin und wieder gerne shoppen
[ ] Du trägst Eyeliner
[ ] Du hältst Cheerleading für einen Sport
[ ] Du hasst es, die Farbe schwarz zu tragen
[ ] Dir gefällt es, ins Einkaufszentrum zu gehen
[ ] Du magst es, eine Maniküre/ Pediküre zu bekommen
[ ] Du trägst gerne Schmuck (Ketten, Ohrringe, Armbänder)
[ ] Du hast geweint, als du dir Titanic angesehen hast
[ ] Röcke nehmen einen großen Teil deines Kleiderschranks ein
[ ] Shopping ist eines deiner Liebsten Hobbies
[ ] Du magst den Film Star Wars nicht
[ ] Du machst Leichtathletik oder hast es mal gemacht
[ ] Du brauchst eine Stunde oder länger um dich fertig zu machen
[ ] Du lächelst/ lachst viel mehr als du solltest
[ ] Du hast 10 oder mehr Paar Schuhe
[ ] Dir ist es wichtig, gut auszusehen
[ ] Du magst es, Kleider zu tragen
[X] Du benutzt Deo/Parfum
[ ] Du benutzt sehr oft das Wort “süß”
[ ] Du magst High Heels
[ ] Du hast als Kind mit Puppen gespielt
[ ] Du magst es, andere zu schminken
[ ] Du magst es, im Mittelpunkt zu stehen
[ ] Pink ist eine deiner Lieblingsfarben



[ ] Du trägst Kapuzenjacken
[X] Du trägst Jeans
[ ] Hunde sind besser als Katzen
[ ] Du findest es lustig wenn sich jemand wehtut
[ ] Du spielst mit Jungs in einem Team oder hast es mal
[ ] Shoppen ist Folter
[X] Traurige Filme stinken
[X] Du hast eine XBOX/PS2/PS3
[X] Du hast als Kind mit Autos gespielt
[ ] Du wolltest schon mal Feuerwehrmann werden.
[ ] Du hast/hattest einen GB/DS oder SEGA
[ ] Du hast dir die Ninja Turtles angeschaut oder tust es immer noch
[X] Du schaust dir Sport im Fernsehen an
[ ] Dir gefallen Kriegsfilme
[X] Du fragst deinen Vater um Rat.
[ ] Du hast ungefähr eine Trillionen von Caps
[X] Du sammelst Sammelkarten oder hast es mal
[ ] Du trägst Boxershorts
[X] Du findest es komisch/ blöd eine Pyjamaparty mit anderen Leuten zu schmeißen
[X] Grün, schwarz, blau oder silber ist eine deiner Lieblingsfarben
[X] Du liebst es, Spaß zu haben und dabei ist dir egal was andere über dich denken
[ ] Du machst Sport
[X] Du redest auch mit vollem Mund


Ziemlich eindeutig, puh. :mrgreen:

Und auch wenn sich die Prinzzess beschwert: “Wirft denn hier niemand mehr Stöckle weiter?” werd ich dieses nicht weiterwerfen, weil ich es schon öfters gesehen habe und zu faul bin nachzuschauen, wer es schon hatte. :) Es möge sich diesmal also wieder bedienen, wer will…

Comment Statistics

Konna published his comment statistics and thoughts (German) on Thursday – and I thought I could present a few numbers, too.

Now my blog can’t keep up with his regarding the number of comments1, but anyway: There are 3723 entries stored in the comment database that are not spam – including

  • 2039 real visitor comments (including 46 anonymous2),
  • 435 trackbacks/pingbacks,
  • that’s a total of 2474;
  • 1249 comments by me.

Like Konna, I’ll now look at the distribution between men (“Männer” in the graphics) and women (“Frauen”) who gave at least five comments – left: commentators, right: comments:


37 men (64.9%) wrote 995 comments (60.9%), that’s an average of 26.9. And 20 women (35.1%) wrote a total of 640 comments (39.1%), average 32.

We see: More men wrote more comments in total, but each woman wrote more than each man.

The Top 10:


Funny that Konna is here at position 6 just as I am at his. :P

In total, there were 78.4 comments per month (or 95.2 if I include trackbacks like Konna did) and 2.6 (or 3.1) per day – however, there wasn’t much going on in the first three quarters (including posts). So there were 1920 comments (94.2%!) in the past 12 months (160.0 per month, 5.2 per day; or 2289 incl. trackbacks, 190.8/month, 6.3/day) – and only 119 in the 14 months before that!

A great “commentator magnet” is, of course, my music quiz – if I ignore its 35 posts, there are only 1393 comments (without trackbacks) since the start of my blog, i.e. 53.6 per month and 1.8 per day, or 1274 in the past 12 months, i.e. 106.2 per month and 3.5 per day. (And since there are noticebly more men than woman, this explains the entire men/woman distribution.)

Still better than the average of all blogs registered at Blogoscoop – which is below 1 comment per day including those from the blog’s owners –, but there’s still room for improvement – so get writing! :)


For those who are interested: Show the SQL queries used here. ▼

  1. but then, my pie charts are prettier ;) []
  2. since I don’t require name and/or email when commenting []