The topic of week 40 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:
When I look through the window…
So einen schönen Ausblick wie manch andere hab ich hier mitten in der Stadt ja nun leider nicht…
The topic of week 40 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:
When I look through the window…
So einen schönen Ausblick wie manch andere hab ich hier mitten in der Stadt ja nun leider nicht…
The following message was received by my hyper-highly sensitive cimddologically enhanced sensors on twisted routes through as yet unresearched space-time loops – hence I could not determine its exact origin in space and time yet.
To: Uri Geller and his soul mates
From: Your friends from the planet ...1
Subject: Heeelloooo!
Dearest Friends,
We were really really excited about your message, since we really couldn’t imagine that there were still sooo many wacked out dreamers that believe in us. That’s totally cool! It causes huge POSITIVE VIBRATIONS!
Specially for you, our greatest fans, we immediately set out holistically to fly to you. Unfortunately, due to subtle space-time turbulences in hyperspace, we can’t tell exactly when we will arrive, but with the support of the GREAT ORIGINAL GODDESS we will surely make it before the next after the next end of your world.
A ginormous load of UNIVERSAL ENERGY is waiting right for you... but, well, we have to talk a bit first, you see?
Dearest Uri,
please stop bending spoons all the time, that also bends space-time in the whole multiverse! We don’t like that that much, you know? Even simple stellarnet mails like this can be lost in time, and not even the MASTERS of the Universal Hierarchy can help then, and this makes them all sad.
Dearest Nina,
do you know that your styling is the latest fashion here on our planet now?!? Oh, and it was megagreat how you scared away that “sensible scientist” (pah!) – toootally celestial!2 Can you also give us some of your enormous LIGHT ENERGY? The colleagues from your last meeting were enthused about its mind-expanding effect!
Dearest Erich,
great how you made the journey to your own TRUTH and still can feed on it after so many years! But awww, it’s a pity that all your UFO evidence are mean counterfeits from the DEVIL. :( Pray to the LADY that She helps you find the right way again, then the ANGELS will bring you the *real* evidence that you are longing for so much.
Dearest Vincent,
oh come on, set the ravens free. It’s bad for the karma to use the creatures of Mother Nature, the All-Power, the GODDESS for one’s own purposes – and besides, all other ravens have to work overtime to guide all those souls to the KINGDOM OF THE DEAD. So please, set them free if you love them, will youuuu?
Okily-dokily, don’t be upset, hm? Hope to see you all soon!
Spiritual greetings with lots of violet love,
Your extraterrestrial friends
As reports (German), among others, ProSieben plans a show on November 15 called (translated) “Uri Geller live – Ufos & Aliens: The incredible TV experiment”, in which he wants to send messages with a radio telescope. Talk guests in the studio: “The Next Uri Geller” winner and raven daddy Vincent Raven, the ancient astronauts dreamer Erich von Däniken and “singer” and mysticism eccentric Nina Hagen.
See also:
» Proof and faith issues and the strange thoughts of Uri Geller;
» TV show preview.
Welcome to the latest music picture riddle… let’s start right away:
1.) Which band name is this?
16 Aufrufe in 20 Minuten und noch kein Kommentar? Angst zu raten (traut euch!) oder Warten auf den ersten Tip?
Alright, here’s the easier version of the rebus:
Gelöst von Pierre Markuse: In Extremo (In X Tremao)
2. Welcher Song-Titel (von wem) ist das?
Gelöst von Pierre Markuse: Rock’n’Roll Train von AC/DC.
3. Welcher Song-Titel (von wem) ist das?
Auch gelöst von Pierre Markuse: Ba-Ba-Banküberfall von der EAV (Bank über [Wasser]fall).
Das war’s dann auch schon für heute, danke fürs Mitmachen, bis nächsten Dienstag…
Just a quick note that I’ve extended my category Religion (see the cloud in the sidebar on the right) to Mysticism & Religion because I didn’t like that all that mystic stuff resided under Science, even though that one rather meant Science and Anti-Science; the posts have moved accordingly.
And lest this post becomes too boring – even though the music quiz will start in nearly one hour – a little poem created by Poetron and quickly translated by me:
Farewell to the friend
The lovely one believe.
She may believe and experience!
Alas, mystic, terrible being you,
Why still pray for the ladies?
Eternity drowns,
The proper science believe,
And unkind nonsense poisons the hearts!
O wenn du sens go marching in / O Lordi wonnt Tubi in that Number – but if then with letters! Welcome to the latest edition of “replying” to search queries…
For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.
cell phones appel i cell how march
Well, I don’t bye, no matter what praise.
show naked lake
There are quite a few photos among my Montreux photos that show the lake without any clothes on. Enjoy!
porn movie for free
Could have watched a few in my hotel in Montreux, the room price included all entertainment offers (internet, music, movies). Well, that won’t help you know, I guess…
“ice cream”] photo] erotic]
[Sorry, [I [got “none of these”.
Bilder old Grandmother Sex
Fotos von old frauen in Höschen
Tut mir sorry, sowas have I auch nicht.
hot girls cleaning yellow hammer
Erm… huh? That’s quite a specific fetish you got there; won’t find something you like too often, I guess.
from mini thong to nothing at all
That’s called undressing.
But not without my silk panties
Hmm, you have to make up your mind – nothing at all and silk panties at the same time is impossible.
no panties please
Sorry – I just can’t ignore these search requests.
slap on the panties
Good idea. Oh, is that why “no panties” is so popular?
the fly in the panties
Isn’t that annoying? Or cruelty to animals?
“now just thongs”
Yeah, that’s the solution!
where can thongs be worn
Well, I wouldn’t recommend wearing them on the head or as socks, for instance.
i wear thong of wife,
i wear thongs man
Alright, you could say that a bit more friendly if you absolutely have to tell everybody, man!
enter spa with thong
…and leave with baggy swimming trunks? Then you mixed something up when you put your clothes on again afterwards.
Can i tag along tonight, we’ll kill some time it looks like you might need a little company I let go, but there’s just no one that gets me like you You are my only my only one Here I go so dishonestly Leave a note for you my only one And I know you can see right through me So let me go and you will find someone I remember the look in your eyes, When I told you that this was goodbye You were begging me not tonight, Not here, Not now. We’re looking up at the same night sky And keep pretending the sun will not rise When all our tears have reached the sea Part of you will live in me Way down deep inside my heart The days keep coming without fail A new wind is gonna find your sail Thats where your journey starts Youll find better love Strong as it ever was Deep as the river runs Warm as the morning sun Please remember me. . ….[expand]
NO! Please don’t expand this any further! Please!
heating according to moon calendar
I’d rather turn on my heating according to temperature. No matter how astrology-deluded I’d be.
calculate as cendent
…that you won’t get far as astrologer if you don’t even know the basic technical terms.
That’s enough for today, bye, and remember, it is a natural fact cause im dressed like a cat!