It’s (not) a long way from Tipperary

4×50 Euro

Requested on April 3rd (with a regular letter), e-mail confirmation of receipt on 9th – and yesterday the money arrived on my account. :D

I’m talking about the Cashback campaign by Canon – which they handle in their Promotion Centre in Tipperary (Ireland), hence the title – for my new EOS 40D camera, and given several reports by others about periods of 6-8 or more weeks, I was quite surprised, in a positive way.

(Though it can’t balance the negative surprise caused by my tax bill, which also arrived yesterday, even remotely…)

Music Quiz 11

Welcome to a new round of my music quiz, again with a few easy(?) picture riddles (3 or 4, depending on how fast they’re solved) depicting a song or band name – and I’m planning to have a music quiz regularly every week…

1.) Which song title (from which band) is this?

Musik-Quiz 11.1

Gelöst von David: “Crimson and Clover” von Tommy James and the Shondells. :clap:

2.) Welcher Liedtitel (von wem) wird hier dargestellt?

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Projekt 52 Week 17: My hobby

The topic of week 17 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:

My hobby

Create a collage of several hobbies? Show my (Queen) CD collection? Photograph photography photographically? Hmm… or rather this: (click for large view)

17: My hobby

Week 17: My hobby

I like to play pool billiard myself (though I do it way too infrequently) – but not now, during the World Snooker Championships! So here’s a “real” screen shot of snooker on Eurosport – watching snooker being a hobby too, of course.

Super high-quality spam distribution

“Because” of that, they send Russian spam distribution offers to German mail addresses:

здравствуй Предоставляем супер качественные Эл. Почтовую рассылку

Without punctuation marks (except for the abbreviation); Altavista and Google translate that to (not literally) something like “How do you do we offer super (high-) quality e-mail distribution”.

Bad thing is, there is still “enough” spam floating around, regardless of any such errors in form and content.

Why can’t all spam coming from Russia be as pretty as Anghela, Nadezhda & co??


Bayrische`s Eck

Here an accent as apostrophe, there another accent as apostrophy – as long as there are more than necessary…

Though the pub (this is an announcement for its opening) is actually called “Bayrisch’s Eck”, if I remember correctly.
