Projekt 52 Week 18: Technology

The topic of week 17 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:


Since I have to deal with computers anyway, this picture wasn’t all that far-fetched, since the object is on my desk:

18: Technology

Week 18: Technology

A relatively shapely heat sink on the northbridge, pardon, GMCH of a PC mainboard – with an assembler reference in the background…

To those of you who’d like to see large technology in the shape of cranes like Nina or „My little corner“, I’d suggest my illustrated “fairy tale” Bruno the Strong and the magic staircase. :)

Music Quiz 12

Welcome to a new round of my music quiz, again with a few easy(?) picture riddles (3 or 4, depending on how fast they’re solved) depicting a song or band name.

1.) Which song title (from which artist) is this?

Musik-Quiz 12.1

Gelöst von Dave: “I Love Rock’n’Roll” von Joan Jett. :clap:

2.) Welcher Liedtitel (von wem) wird hier dargestellt?

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Cimddology – THE New Science!

ci This is the beginning of a little satire series about mysticism and pseudosciences…

Satire Forget everything you used to know about other pseudo- and parascieneces deceptions mumbo jumbo alternative methods – no, don’t forget it, just stop believing it – and learn about our ultimate products and technologies!

With the infallible knowledge of the Wise Elders, Unwhite Veryelders and Colorless Eldersts, the authentic myths of the Skythians, the Greek and Freaks, the Minnoans and Mickoans, combined with over­hyper­highest technologies such as the latest generation of scanning-tanning superhero-force microscopes, we were able to find out how the foundation of all matter and space-time itself, the spin network is working and how to manipulate it at will!

From this, we developed the new New Science Cimddology, the analysis and manipulation of the very finest structures of our reality – better than anything before!!

  • Unknot balled-up DNA strings with us and bend them in new ways – to your liking!
  • Drive James away from your hydrogen bonds!
  • Entangle all your quantums without the risk of entangling yourself, thus controling the flight of your quantum soul into the afterlife!
  • Utilize the global or even the multiversal frequency increase to repair your watches – without any “achad, shtaim, shalosh”!
  • Replace your old light body with a new energy-saving light body!
  • Have your dull elemental particles sandblasted and get them a new fresh quantum-chromodynamic brillance.!
  • And many more!!!

You think this is all a pack of lies? Of course! No way! As any other proper pseudo- and parascience, we are of course using terms and facts from respectable, real science to give our flimflam an illusion of respectability… to make our fantasies appear real… to— well, you know what we’re trying to say. And hey, maybe we actually believe the rubbish we’re talking about ourselves!

Since we are always thoroughly honest and would never, at no times, never ever lie to you, we unfortunately have to notify you that this technologie is slightly cost-intensive.

Unfortunately it is a fact that something costs the more energy and money the smaller the objects it examines are – you get a common magnifying glass everywhere for a few bucks, a good optical microscope costs more, a CT scanner in hospitals much more, and so on. And think about the research results of many women who are said to have found a reciprocal proportionality between size/showiness (and thus cost) of cars and the size of the drivers’ genitals.

Also note that we have to finance our luxurious mansions in the Caribbean. Hence, our offers will cost a little bit, we won’t be able to change that, sorry.


Stay tuned and look forward to the many new products and services we will present to you in the upcoming weeks! Your life will never be the same again! Blablabla!!



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Original photo woman with tape © Dana Heinemann –

Links of the Week (2008/17)

Short and sweet:

The stars on my sofa

Stars from Phase 5 A set of stars and a crescent moon, made out of this plastic that glows greenish in the dark – “a great non-cash prize of low value with poor usefullness factor” (my translation), won at Phase 5’s rebus (German)!

Arrived yesterday, thanks, Herschel – If I got a use for it? Of course, we’ll see… :mrgreen:

Optimist that I am, I regard this prize as the start of a series of prizes, e.g. at the blogger raffles I participated recentl… h wie ich bin, diesen Gewinn als Auftakt zu einer Serie von Gewinnen z.B. bei den Blogger-Preisausschreiben, an denen ich ja kürzlich teilgenommen hatte… Goddess of luck, you got that??