Projekt 52: The impossible photo

One of May’s topics of Projekt 52:

22: The impossible photo

Projekt 52 May: Mission Impossible – The impossible photo

This ice cream confectionary – vanilla ice cream with cocoa glazing – seems to disappear all by itself and dissolve into thin air1 – thus it’s almost impossible to photograph. ;)

  1. some people say that’s because it gets eaten so quickly, but I think that’s just an impertinent conspiracy theory []

Projekt 52: Memories/Remembrance

One of May’s topics of Projekt 52:

20: Memories/Remembrance

Projekt 52 May: Memories/Remembrance

It may be a bit controversial whether happy souvenir photos like from these guys or children running around are befitting a memorial like Berlin’s Holocaust Memorial, but since these concrete stelae are rather abstract and not on historic grounds anyway and apparently well integreted into city life, I wouldn’t take it too seriously. After all, it’s still better than ignoring it completely…