- Great black-and-white photos from his “Quadrants” series at Marcel’s.
- And lest we forget that volcano with its unpronounceable name, here’s a video with shockwaves (via Bad Astronomy)
Projekt 52/18: Dare
The next topic of Projekt 52.
Videos of the Week (2010/17)
(Something was embedded as Flash object here. Not exactly sensible anymore.)
- Arguably the song of the week – Tim Minchin’s Pope Song (NSFW). Here in a subtitled version; see the Skepchicks (via) for full lyrics below the video.
And if you’re upset about how the pope’s treated here, you better listen to the lyrics more closely…
- What? Contradictions in the bible? Is this possible?^^ See this cartoon quiz show (via Pharyngula):
Projekt 52/17: Flower Power
The next topic of Projekt 52.
Links and Videos of the Week (2010/16)
- More great photos from the Eyjafjallajökull Mythbuster Adam Savage’s speech about a godless universe (via Pharyngula)
James Randi’s fiery takedown of psychic fraud (via Astrodicticum simplex)
(Something was embedded as Flash object here. Not exactly sensible anymore.)
- A gorgeous nightscape timelapse video (via Bad Astronomy)
(Something was embedded as Flash object here. Not exactly sensible anymore.)
Timescapes: “Death is the Road to Awe” from Tom Lowe @ Timescapes on Vimeo.