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Vintage cars en masse

And I only picked 44 photos – the Donau Classic Oldtimer-Rallye 2009 in Ingolstadt and the surrounding area featured 190 cars from 1928 to 19841. On Saturday afternoon, they had to drive a small round course in Pfaffenhofen’s city center, including my street. I concentrated mostly on the older cars for my photos because I think they are more interesting than those from the 70s and 80s.

In this post I’m only showing a selection of the selection; all 44 photos are available on Flickr, e.g. as set overview and as slideshow.

(The cars’ specifications are taken from the official start list.)

The oldest one, a Bentley 4,5 ltr. open from 1928:

Alvis Speed 20 (1935):

BMW 600 “Rennsemmel” (=”Racing bread-roll”) (1959):

Riley TT spezial (1936):

Hudson Big Six Sedan (1935):

Josef Kulzer Fiat Kulzer Spezial (1940):

Horch 930 V Cabrio (1939):

This “Pi” looks funny, but the start list is wrong here, since this silver Porsche certainly is no black-red Ferrari:

DKW F 89 L (1953) – not much beer left…:

MG A 1500 MK I (1959) – The almost drove straight ahead without going their rounds… [Insert joke about blondes.]
IMG_6623 IMG_6624

Fiat 500 (1973):

Front: Jaguar XK 120 SE OTS (1953), back: Triumph TR 4A / IRS (1967):

That’s the end of this selection of a selection – as I said, there’s more on Flickr: set overview, slideshow.

  1. well, 3 new ones (2008) before and after the actual rallye were also on the course []