- The Large Hadron Collider recreated in Lego (via @fatmike182)
- How to quickly wash your car with just one bucket of water… (via There, I Fixed It)
Projekt 52/51: Christmas Magic
The next topic of Projekt 52.
Merry Presents!
Erm, merry Christmas, and hopefully your presents aren’t lost in the snow somewhere like this decoration…
God is just a giant dildo, after all
Or what else is the meaning of a baby made of plastic?
(And Mary seems to be looking away ashamed…)
Or someone got a better explanation?
Links and Videos of the Week (2010/49+50)
- (Pre-)Christmas photos at The Big Picture
- Delicious nativity scenes1…
- A 360° night sky timelapse video – best viewed in HD and full-screen on Youtube (via Bad Astrononmy)
- Did dinosaurs build Stonehenge? (via Frischer Wind)
- Weil schon so viele Videos hier eingebunden sind, hier eines über die Galaxienentstehung im Schnelldurchlauf als Link – dafür auch mit einer kurzen Erklärung.
- not for vegetarians [↩]