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85276 Pfaffenhofen/Ilm in Germany, that is

or Samba do Parede

Two weeks ago I showed a photo of the projection of a blue “No Signal” error message on the house diagonally across – last night there were tests with signal where they tried to find the best beamer position and settings on the wall (Portuguese: parede) of the small storehouse/garage straight across:

signal1 signal2

And it’s indeed a display for the restaurant/bar “Rubens”1 in the courtyard who will have a samba night next Friday.

  1. which probably also hold the rights for the projected images – if you don’t want them here (even though it’s a little promotion), just drop me a line and I’ll remove them []

Projekt 52/27: Forces of Nature

The next topic of Projekt 52

27: Forces of Nature

Topic 27: Forces of nature

In thunderstormy times like this (even if they often seem to avoid the city of Pfaffenhofen), this topic makes one think of thunderstorms, of course, and so this strange cloud formation yesterday appeared to be a good motif vor this week’s project – who knows what came from it… but with wind from the west and being southwest of the cloud, nothing happened here. :)

Unfortunately it’s just a (cropped) cellphone photo, didn’t have anything better on me.

In late May, it was a little more vehement:

IMG_6076 IMG_6077