- How ad posters for Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Skype might have looked in the 60s (via @einGott)
Links and Video of the Week (2009/24)
- A list of gods that Christians and atheists don’t believe in (via Diax’s Rake)
- A Unified Quantum Theory of the Sexual Interaction
“Warning: while this is maybe kinda sorta NSFW, it is absolutely not safe for math/physics-phobes. This is high-level jokery about low-level topics,” says Phil Plait (=via). - Big pictures of Mercury and the Messenger probe.
- A universal size comparison (via Bad Astronomy):
Links and Video of the Week (2009/15)
(I left out the German links again, so there’s not much left…)
- How does a detector for high energy physics work? at Quantum Diaries
- And the video: The Holy Gospel of the Easter Bunny, Jeshua Cottontail (via The Atheist Blogger):
Happy Easter!
Links and video of the Week (2008/41)
- German: Ernsthaft: Erklärungen zur Finanzkrise: Häufig gestellte Fragen bei zoon politikon
- German: Weniger ernsthaft: Die Finanzkrise und die Astrologie
- German: Überhaupt nicht ernsthaft: Die Wahrheit über Teilchenbeschleuniger in der Stupidedia (via zottels Kommentar, dem 558. bei “Kein Weltuntergang”…)
- Album covers built in Lego (flickr pool) (via Dravens Tales)
- From the sitcom “The Big Bang Theory”: How the discussion about string theory or loop quantum gravity can affect relationships… (via Mathlog):
Links and Video of the Week (2008/40)
- Phantastic photos from the Baikonur space center (via Bad Astronomy).
- German: Wozu eigentlich das Higgs-Teilchen? – eine gut verständliche Erklärung.
- Cartoon: What the Mythbusters could say about the existence of god (via Friendly Atheist).
- And Homer Simpson wants to vote for Barack Obama, but the computer’s got a different opinion… (via Captain Obvious):
(Nicht mehr verfügbar.)