Links and Videos of the Week (2011/33)
- A falling star seen from the ISS (plus thoughts about the probability)
- Best optical illusion video ever? (via Richard Wiseman)
A very young Freddie Mercury impersonator (via Heuni)
Links and Videos of the Week (2011/32)
- So leicht werden wir durch selektive Wahrnehmung getäuscht (mit Videos) (via Wahrsagercheck)
- How people in science see each other.
- “Finally, a head of state speaks the truth about the Vatican. This is a wonderfully honest speech by Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny.” (via Sam Harris)
- 109 young Chinese vs. Real Madrid (via ui.)
Links and Video of the Week (2011/19)
- A great night panorama photo
- Summer movie posters rendered in Lego (via Eurobricks Forum)
- The illusion of the year shows how color changes are hardly noticeable during movement (via Mathlog)