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Projekt 52

Projekt 52 week 27: (old) masonry

The topic of week 27 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:

(old) walls/masonry

Well then:

27: (old) masonry

Week 27: (old) walls/masonry

Part of an old warehouse – other parts of which were already shown in week 20 – right in the town’s center, with construction work next to it.

Update 4 Jul: They’re actually erecting a scaffolding around that building today…

And as I got to know in the mean time, it actually is protected as a historical building – a nearby hotel already parked their guests’ horse-drawn carriages there a long time ago.

Projekt 52 week 26: Rainbow

The topic of week 26 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:


Well then:

26: Rainbow

Week 26: Rainbow

A stack of colorful CDs – not from Rainbow, but from Queen & related…

For those who are interested in the details: (top to bottom)
Who Wants To Live Forever / Friends Will Be Friends (Single 1992)
London 1975*
We Are The Champions (Dutch Single 1994)
No-One But You (Single)
Flash Gordon
Brian May Interview*
The Ultimate Back Catalogue III*
Osaka 1976*
Brian May: Another World (Album promo)
Year Of The Opera*
The Cross: Shove It (Single)
At The BBC
The 12″ Collection

* no official release

Projekt 52 week 25: Ramshackle, scruffy

The topic of week 25 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:

Ramshackle, scruffy

This time, I admit it, a photo from May – the assumption that there would be a topic like this in Projekt 52 played a role in the making of this photo, of course. Well, I could go out and shoot the same object again, but what for? ;)

25: Ramshackle

Week 25: Ramshackle

A wall that has seen better times…

I modified color saturation and contrast “a little”, as you can imagine…

Projekt 52 week 24: Tools

The topic of week 24 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:


Without further ado, let’s get right to the photo:

24: Tools

Week 24: Tools

A photo that’s ambiguous in multiple ways: A little house made of bits, i.e. screwdriver head pieces with the same name as the basic unit of information storage, with a USB stick (containing even more bits) from our company which offers (mostly software) tools for PC diagnosis (and more) as door. Sorry for this little advertising… ;)