Links of the Week (2012/41) by cimddwc · 2012-10-14 (…and earlier) A fantastic 3D animation of a nebula 2000 lightyears away Water drops slow-motion Kind of an interactive comic story with a self-drawn stickman (via Unwissend)
Links and Video of the Week (2011/50) by cimddwc · 2011-12-18 Lunar eclipse on Dec 10 Top 24 Deep Space Pictures 50 best photos from The Natural World Extreme slow motion: How to make the Slowest Slow-Motion Video Ever! (also includes other videos)
Videos of the Week (2011/2) by cimddwc · 2011-01-16 A mentos-and-soda reaction in slow motion (via Lordy) A traffic circle that could use a solid center… (via ui.)