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Uri Geller live, three “Aliens” and no UFOs

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This is just the preliminary report for the show.
» To go to the live report, click here!

At least that’s what I expect from the show “Uri Geller live – Ufos & Aliens: The incredible TV experiment” on Saturday Nov 15, 2008 at 20:15 on ProSieben (Germany). For the guests can be labeled “aliens” in a way:

  • mysticism eccentric and (as ProSieben calls her) “world star” Nina Hagen – who really can be called “not of this world”;
  • Ancient astronaut dreamer and “Swiss success author” Erich von Däniken – in his “theories” also floating a little too high above reality (and also, being Swiss, an alien in Germany);
  • and “The Next Uri Geller” winner Vincent Raven – with his really alien performances.

Well then, as I did for the magic shows with Geller’s gibberish called “The Next Uri Geller” I will have a look at this concoction (and hopefully survive it) and report live or at least shortly after the end of the show, maybe with an intermediate update or two. (Though the English version will probably take a little more time.)

ProSieben writes about this show (all quotes my translations):

Uri Geller doesn’t doubt the existence of extraterrestrials:
“All my life I believed in ufos and aliens. Everyone should look up to the sky in a cloudless night and ask himself: Is it really possible that we’re alone? I think nobody can tell.”

The chief spoon bender, however, forgets to distinguish between life somewhere in space and actual visits here on earth – he probably thinks that everything is “just around the corner” and can be reached easily.

See also: » Proof and faith issues and the strange thoughts of Uri Geller.

In a unique experiment, he wants to try to establish contact

That’d better be null-ique – certainly it won’t be an experiment that deserves this name, but instead the next of Geller’s dumbing of the masses. With an audience in the millions. Where “The Next Uri Geller” still had the somewhat entertaining magic tricks from the contestants, this show can only become some kind of “freak show”…

Together with the audience, the world-famous mystifier will send messages over a radio telescope into space. What will be the replies?

None. At any rate, not in the next few years. Anything else can only be tricks. The TV DIGITAL magazine writes about this teensy-weensy problem (emphasis mine, translation too):

In 1974, the astrophysicist Frank Drake in Arecibo sent a message towards the star cluster M 13. However it will only arrive there in 20000 lightyears[sic!]. Since Uri Geller doesn’t want to wait that long, he will rely not only on radio waves in the show, but also other means: “I need the viewers’ assistance”, the mentalist living in England says. “With the collective power of our thoughts, we will be able to establish contact. This has never been tried before.”

Never tried before? Geller indeed came up with a new trick after all those years?? A miracle! But probably all that’s new is that it’s pretended aliens instead of people who are the pretended telepathy transceivers.

But no matter how they will stage that, I had received the true greetings from the aliens back in September – thanks to spacetime loops. ;)

Let’s have Erich von Däniken give the last word (from an interview in the TV DIGITAL):

You believe, like Uri Geller, that aliens exist. When will we be able to meet the aliens?
“The Maya in Central America have given a date for the return of their gods, i.e. the extraterrestrials. If you believe in this calendar, then it’s December 21, 2012. But you have to convert their date to our calendar. A very insecure thing.”
What a luck for you, for you could be nailed down to it otherwise, couldn’t you?
“Yes, and then everybody says: Neener-neener! [Ätschbätsch!]”

Which is also what all these guys can say whenever they find more people who believe their balderdash…

This is just the preliminary report for the show.
» To go to the live report, click here!

Links and video of the Week (2008/41)

Extraterrestrial Greetings to Uri!

The following message was received by my hyper-highly sensitive cimddologically enhanced sensors on twisted routes through as yet unresearched space-time loops – hence I could not determine its exact origin in space and time yet.

To: Uri Geller and his soul mates
From: Your friends from the planet ...1
Subject: Heeelloooo!

Dearest Friends,

We were really really excited about your message, since we really couldn’t imagine that there were still sooo many wacked out dreamers that believe in us. That’s totally cool! It causes huge POSITIVE VIBRATIONS!

Specially for you, our greatest fans, we immediately set out holistically to fly to you. Unfortunately, due to subtle space-time turbulences in hyperspace, we can’t tell exactly when we will arrive, but with the support of the GREAT ORIGINAL GODDESS we will surely make it before the next after the next end of your world.

A ginormous load of UNIVERSAL ENERGY is waiting right for you... but, well, we have to talk a bit first, you see?

Dearest Uri,
please stop bending spoons all the time, that also bends space-time in the whole multiverse! We don’t like that that much, you know? Even simple stellarnet mails like this can be lost in time, and not even the MASTERS of the Universal Hierarchy can help then, and this makes them all sad.

Dearest Nina,
do you know that your styling is the latest fashion here on our planet now?!? Oh, and it was megagreat how you scared away that “sensible scientist” (pah!) – toootally celestial!2 Can you also give us some of your enormous LIGHT ENERGY? The colleagues from your last meeting were enthused about its mind-expanding effect!

Dearest Erich,
great how you made the journey to your own TRUTH and still can feed on it after so many years! But awww, it’s a pity that all your UFO evidence are mean counterfeits from the DEVIL. :( Pray to the LADY that She helps you find the right way again, then the ANGELS will bring you the *real* evidence that you are longing for so much.

Dearest Vincent,
oh come on, set the ravens free. It’s bad for the karma to use the creatures of Mother Nature, the All-Power, the GODDESS for one’s own purposes – and besides, all other ravens have to work overtime to guide all those souls to the KINGDOM OF THE DEAD. So please, set them free if you love them, will youuuu?

Okily-dokily, don’t be upset, hm? Hope to see you all soon!

Spiritual greetings with lots of violet love,
Your extraterrestrial friends


As Wunschliste.de reports (German), among others, ProSieben plans a show on November 15 called (translated) “Uri Geller live – Ufos & Aliens: The incredible TV experiment”, in which he wants to send messages with a radio telescope. Talk guests in the studio: “The Next Uri Geller” winner and raven daddy Vincent Raven, the ancient astronauts dreamer Erich von Däniken and “singer” and mysticism eccentric Nina Hagen. :roll:

See also:
» Proof and faith issues and the strange thoughts of Uri Geller;
» TV show preview.

  1. unfortunately, there was a transmission error at this point []
  2. They obviously refer to the little stir last year when she made Joachim Bublath leave due to her UFO babblings. []

Paraden in Serie

Another German blog carnival (which we also call parade), this one about TV series…

Serien Ein passender Titel, denn zum einen ist dies die dritte Blog-Parade, an der ich in dieser Woche teilnehme, zum anderen geht’s um die Lieblings-Fernsehserie – veranstaltet von Entertainment-Life.de.

Nun, eine Lieblingsserie? Schwer. Praktisch unmöglich. Wenn der Veranstalter unbedingt nur eine einzige in seine Auswertung übernehmen will, möge er also bitte nach der ersten Serie aufhören zu lesen. :) Ich fange sinnvollerweise mit der Vergangenheit an, d.h. mit bereits eingestellten Serien, und da ist mein Top-Favorit ganz klar:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, und wie die Namensnennung schon andeutet, bevorzugt praktisch ausschließlich in der englischsprachigen Originalfassung, die ich generell einfach authentischer finde, man ist quasi “tiefer in der Handlung drin”. Diese Serie hat einfach, um die Haupt-Genre-Bezeichnungen der IMDb zu verwenden, eine tolle Mischung aus Action, Drama und Fantasy mit interessanten Charakteren und einer meist interessanten Handlung, die oft genug folgenübergreifend ist.

Auf dem 2. Platz der Vergangenheit ist Babylon 5, eine Science-Fiction-Serie mit ebenfalls interessanten Charakteren und Handlungssträngen.

Kommen wir zur Gegenwart, zur aktuellen Nummer 1, bei der es noch gar nicht so lange her ist, dass ich sie für mich entdeckt habe:

Doctor Who, genaugenommen die aktuelle Neuauflage seit 2005 nach der alten Serie von 1963-1989 – in England ist diese Zeitreisenden-Serie mit skurrilen Außerirdischen (und skurrilen Briten) regelrecht Kult. Vielleicht werd ich mir auch hier noch die DVDs kaufen – für die sich ja auch Julia schon ausgesprochen hat –, auch wenn man sie samstags auf BBC Prime auch im Originalton genießen kann (neben den deutschen Ausstrahlungen auf ProSieben und SciFi).

Einen knappen 2. Platz bei den noch aktuellen Serien belegt 24 mit ihrer harten Action, der nach mittlerweile sechs Staffeln aber doch etwas die neuen Ideen fehlen.

Und die Simpsons müssen eigentlich auch noch erwähnt werden…

Links of the Week (2008/31)