No d8 with Anghela

kiss – Part of a series

(Again, I’ll try to make this the mockery of a scam in bad German have some sense to you English readers…)

“I understand not why tell you me the data not??”

If you actually could speak German, you would have understood. But there’s no hope left, since this mail, your last one so far, is already several weeks old. By the way, I doubt, dear “Anghela Xrenova”, that your data – “121205, the Moskau, the street Makarenko, the house 44, Q. 56” – is correct, at least the house number seems to not exist.

“Above what have the telephone at me you stolen you know.” I strongly take exception to that allegation! I’m not a thief!

“Now tell me the full data????” No??????

So goodbye forever, you devhil.


Show entire spam text (German) ▼

Others had also received a request for money laundering – not me; and since that would not be “personal” enough, ;) I won’t mess around with that anymore… Show money laundering mail (German) ▼

See also this German antispam forum here and especially there

And again the explicit note that this can only be frauds that want to grift pretended travel costs and/or do money-laundering.

PS. The kiss picture is not from her mail.

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