Links of the Week (2008/13)

  • Splatter archery game (Flash) – you’re supposed to hit the apple on the head, but things like these can happen too (unfortunately they didn’t give hits from above a proper own animation):
    apple-splatter-1 apple-splatter-2
    (via Nerdcore)
  • All Simpsons couch gags in nearly 5 minutes (in fast motion) (via TheCrazed)
  • A big drawing about “The road to success is full of obstacles” (via FreeTagger).

1 Trackback

  1. e

    Ich guck ja schon seit Jahren die Simpsons aber da sind echt son paar Sachen bei die ich net kenne :-)

  2. c

    :D Ja, ging mir auch so…

  3. A

    Liked the road to success is full of obstacles! seems as a nice reminder when things get too hard.

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