Projekt 52 Week 20: Odd, strange, peculiar

The topic of week 20 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:

Odd, strange, peculiar things

Well, what to take? Arrange something on your own? (But what?) Hope to see something really strange this week (and have the camera ready)? Or do with something less spectacular (which fits the topic in some way)?

I decided to use this:

20: Odd, strange, peculiar (1)

Week 20: Odd, strange, peculiar (1)

A few branches or beginning little trees growing on an old wall – alright, not that strange or peculiar, just a little odd, somehow unsuitable. :)

And additionally reaching into the archives, since the house on the right was recently torn down and the tree was felled even earlier:

20: Odd, strange, peculiar (2)

Week 20: Odd, strange, peculiar (2)

Apart from the fact that the snow in March two years ago wasn’t that appropriate: A tree growing on top of the roof between two houses is certainly not at the most suitable place…

Update: Another photo can be found here.

1 Trackback

  1. AM

    Hi, das zweite Foto ist super! Die Gebäude konnten den Baum nicht hindern!

    • c

      Mal abgesehen davon, dass das mittlerweile abgerissen ist und dass du wahrscheinlich nicht wiederkehren wirst: Dein eShop eines namhaften Herstellers hat tatsächlich diesen Kommentarlink nötig?

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