Rosetta discovers dolphin on comet!!!!1eleven

Sensation! On the just released image from the close flyby of the space probe Rosetta at its comet 67P/Churything-Geramabob you can clearly see a BLACK DOLPHIN!


It’s UNAMBIGUOUSLY visible how it jumps around happily – it probably didn’t think he was being watched. And since it’s written in CAPITAL LETTERS here, it cannot be wrong!

Uh oh, THEY certainly won’t like this – first Florian exposes the SECRET MESSAGES of the Germknödel (German) (cf. Wikipedia), and now this image!! Note the parallels: dark dolphin jumping from bright areas – dark plum jam in bright yeast dough!!! That can’t be coincidence!!!!

And if somebody now
says that’s just a shadow, this is evidence that they already SOLD OUT to THEM!!!!! That’s an atrocity to which I can only say: … erm… where can I apply for selling out – and being paid well – too?


Rotated and cropped from original photo of European Space Agency – ESA/Rosetta/NavCam, licence: CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

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