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Links of the Week (2008/10)

Except for the bird dancing to “Another One Bites The Dust” video, it’s all German.

Kurz und bündig:

6 million liters of water

6 million liters – how much is that, what to make of it?

  • 20,000,000 glasses (0.3 l each) full – doesn’t help much…
  • 6,000,000 liter bottles (duh)
  • 1,200,000 days for cooking and drinking in German average
  • 666,666 – 2,000,000 toilet flushes
  • 500,000 bottle crates (12 bottles each)
  • 150,000 showers
  • 50,000 bathing
  • 47,244 x average daily consumption in Germany
  • 17,000 fillings for 150cm wading pools (about 20cm depth)
  • 12,500 pallets with 4x2x5 bottle crates each
  • 8,100 € at 1.35 €/m³ (though I’m not sure about this price)
  • 1,200 dripping faucets per year
  • 129 years total consumption for an average German
  • 2,4 olympic swimming pools (50m x 25m x 2.0m or deeper)
  • 1 water-mains burst in the city of Pfaffenhofen the evening before yesterday.


Consumption numbers from Quarks&Co


The batons are currently flying around quite busily, and beginner villain Konna passed one to me, regarding the question “How evil are you?” He already suspected the result:

How evil are you?


Disclaimer: I do not work for AOL.

And I’ll be so evil to not pass this baton to anyone in particular, just let it lie here for anyone to take it…

Links of the Week (2008/07)

Short and sweet: