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The batons are currently flying around quite busily, and beginner villain Konna passed one to me, regarding the question “How evil are you?” He already suspected the result:

How evil are you?


Disclaimer: I do not work for AOL.

And I’ll be so evil to not pass this baton to anyone in particular, just let it lie here for anyone to take it…

Links of the Week (2008/07)

Short and sweet:

Links of the Week (2008/05)

Short and sweet:

Projekt 52 week 5: My addictions

Projekt 52 The topic for week 5 in Sari’s Projekt 52:

My addictions!

Since I didn’t necessarily want to shoot chocolate and computer/internet, for the expectation that this might occur several times isn’t that far-fetched, I thought I’ll take this:

05: My addictions

Week 5: My addictions

Well, it’s no addiction in the stricter sense, but if I’d have to do without Leberkäse for a week, it wouldn’t be nice either… ;)

The photo shows a local butcher’s specialty during carnival time, “Metzgerkrapfen” (Krapfen = Berliner = bismarck = …), containing a little sweet mustard (which I didn’t catch when cutting) and nice spices on top.