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Tarot card tossing

Since I’ve been passed this baton just for fun, well, I’ll write a post anyway :) – it’s about a simple “personality test” (not really meant seriously, of course) which tells you which tarot card you are. Well, somewhat seems to be one of the most useful uses of tarot cards, anyway…

You are The Hierophant

Divine Wisdom. Manifestation. Explanation. Teaching.

All things relating to education, patience, help from superiors. The Hierophant is often considered to be a Guardian Angel.

The Hierophant’s purpose is to bring the spiritual down to Earth. Where the High Priestess between her two pillars deals with realms beyond this Earth, the Hierophant (or High Priest) deals with worldly problems. He is well suited to do this because he strives to create harmony and peace in the midst of a crisis. The Hierophant’s only problem is that he can be stubborn and hidebound. At his best, he is wise and soothing, at his worst, he is an unbending traditionalist.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

…and that to an atheist. Which I selected in the test, too. Well, I’ll re-interpret that „showing the holy“ (cf. Wikipedia) as demystify, explain rationally.

I’ll just toss this baton in the air, catch it if you will…

Projekt 52 week 4: Contemporary witness

Projekt 52 The topic for week 4 for Sari’s Projekt 52 (German):

Contemporary witness (expressly not necessarily a person).

Easy for me to find a motif, just get on my balcony and I had my constructural contemporary witness:

04: Contemporary witness

Week 4: Contemporary witness

The old Ilmgau department store in Pfaffenhofen/Ilm – opened 1977, closed 2005 with 7-digit debts. To the left an old cinema, at last the beverage department of the store. Since recently, after several failed attempts to sale/auction it, it has new owners – cinema and a small stockroom (not on the photo) will be knocked down, the rest will house offices, and probably a shop on the ground floor.

I’ve only seen the last two years, and then it was mainly a supermarket with remains from general wares. Old furniture and installations, broken heating in the last winter, range of products growing sparser and sparser, probably the region’s highest share of food beyond its eat-by date – and ever fewer customers. Which turns into a vicious circle, of course…

…so, a contemporary witness of former store ages that couldn’t keep up with the times…

Of course I modified the colors a little…

Projekt 52: Week 1–3

Projekt 52 Sari at Mondgras has started a nice photo (or drawing) project: Projekt 52 which is about shooting a (new!) photo about a given topic.

Read more (in German) at Sari’s general infotopic overview with photo links – all participants.

Since I didn’t enter right away, here are three photos at once:

01: The new year

Week 1: The new year

A calendar (a small one, since it’s just one year out of many) in bright sunshine, may the year be as bright…

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Parcel tracking is good…

…but it could be implemented a little better sometimes.

Mi. 21:23: E-mail with dispatch confirmation of a shop (emphasis mine):

Immediately after the order is placed, you have the possibility to track the shipment’s status online.


Important notice!

It may be that your package number is known to the system only up to two days after dispatch handover and thus only then its course can be tracked.

Strictly speaking, you might even say that this is not really contradictory. It certainly isn’t practical, though.

The rest is rather banal:

I checked on Thu at about 19:00: no status. Could the package arrive today, then? Or can’t it? No. And also Thu ca. 18:00: no status. Only Thu ca. 22:00: status from Mi. 20:35: “Shipment handled in dispatch center” (everything in my translation, by the way).

Fri ca. 10:00: status from Fri 4:45: “The shipment has gone on tour.” (Only this last status was shown.)

Fri ca. 13:00: status from Fri 10:15: “The shipment has gone on tour.” By the way, where can you buy tickets for the tour? Who’s the supporting act? :P

Fri ca. 14:30: package arrived.

Others are a little more extensive… but alright, as long as the products arrive safe and reasonably fast, it’s fine with me. And when I find topics to write about that are more interesting than this, it’s even finer with me.

Blog-Parade Hobbyfotografen

This is for a German blog carnival about hobby photographers, not much point in translating it…

:photo: Jens Hellmeier interessiert sich in seiner Blog-Parade für die Hobbyfotografen…

  1. Besitzt du eine normale Digitalkamera, eine digitale oder eine analoge Spiegelreflexkamera? Vielleicht auch alle 3? Wenn ja welche?
    Ich hab eine hosentaschentaugliche Ixus 40 und plane die Anschaffung einer Einsteiger-DSLR oder einer großen “Einteiligen” – die schnelle neue Casio (60 Bilder pro Sekunde in voller Auflösung) klingt äußerst interessant, höchstens der Weitwinkelbereich könnte besser sein.
  2. Wie viel Megapixel hat/haben deine Kamera/s?
    Die Ixus hat 4 MP, die Casio hätte 6. (Was ja auch reicht.)
  3. Wie viele Speicherkarten hast du? Welche Größe haben sie? und von welchem Hersteller sind sie?
    Zwei à 512 MB von SanDisk.
  4. Besitzt du mehrere Objektive? Wenn ja, was für welche? Evtl. auch einen externen Blitz?
    Bisher nicht – wozu auch? :) Wenn ich mich für eine DSLR entscheiden sollte, denke ich an ein “normales” und ein Tele-, später evtl. ein Makro-Objektiv.
  5. Wie oft gehst du deinem Hobby Fotografieren im Monat nach? (Angabe in Stunden bitte!)
    Die Antwort gab’s so oder ähnlich schon öfter: Das schwankt, und zwar so stark, dass ich keine Stunden-Angabe machen kann, sorry.
  6. Was fasziniert dich am Fotografieren?
    Naja, der Spaß an der Freud’, dass man schöne Motive oder besondere Momente festhalten kann, das übliche eben. :mrgreen:
  7. Was fotografierst du am liebsten?
    Die Landschaft oder Teile davon. Also Natur, keine Portraits oder so.
  8. Bist du bei einer Foto-Community angemeldet? Wenn ja, bei welcher?
    Bisher nur herunterladenderweise.
  9. Verdienst du Geld mit deinen Fotos? (Freiwillig)

Und ich möchte auch auf meine noch bis einschließlich Montag laufende Blog-Parade “Musik des Jahres 2007” hinweisen. :)

(erstmals via mlogger)